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Seamless Cross Platform Mobile and PC Game Development

A cross platform game development company creates innovative mobile games that extends the potential reach of mobile games to consumers by extending compatibility beyond just one operating system.

If you are attempting to build games for mobile as well as PC platforms, you want to make sure that you do everything possible for your endeavor to go off seamlessly. Whether you are injecting a specific business model into each version of the game, have separate audiences to cater to or work on a control scheme that works for both platform, cross platform game development can be tricky work.

Here are a few tips that your cross platform mobile development company should take into account to ensure hitch-free project execution:

?Set your Goals in Advance and Rely on them to Steer Your Way Out of Problems

Many designers overlook the business side of cross platform game development. However, even the best ones get lost in the crowd if the business objectives aren’t well defined, planned and executed. When working on a project, make sure you identify your goals. Is popularity or the number of downloads your priority? Or is it to make a certain amount of money out of the games? Or is your objective to receive good critical acclaim through good reviews and ratings?

List down your objectives in order or importance and you will be able to rely on them when making decisions such as whether you want to make the limited mobile version free-to-play, whether you want to include in-app purchases and whether you want to rely on advertising for revenues.

?Play-testing Right from the Start and Often

Many developers are paranoid about making a bad first impression and put off play testing until the very end. However, it is extremely essential to play-test your game across all platforms well in advance and you will learn so much in every test session. Try to create a standardized form for your testers to fill out after playing with your latest version of the game(s). In addition to receiving general opinions about the game, you will be able to match your performance and feedback with the specific demographic that each platform is targeting.

?Be Open Minded about Big Changes

Naturally, if you have a defined direction and you play-test on a regular basis, you will arrive at a point where you need to make major changes to get back on track to meet your goals. It is not uncommon for developers to have their core gameplay work just like they envisioned it, but have trouble with the auxiliary features. While you may be at a constant battle between meeting your deadline versus making your game better, you will eventually need to have the courage to recognize the need for major changes soon enough to move on and enhance the entire game.

The best cross platform game development company will proactively work on optimizing their games across all devices. Whether you release your game only on PC and iOS or also on Android platforms and other operating systems, you will need to invest a major part of your time post-release to continue fixing bugs and optimizing your game for seamless performance in the long run.

About the Author

If you are looking for the best gaming companies in India, the author of this article recommends Juego Studios.