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Chess Is All About Strategy And Tactics

Chess is all about strategy and tactics. Each chess player commands an army of 16. In beginning players bring out their forces to prepare for combat. Players maneuver to carry out attacks and counterattacks. At the end of the game there are fewer pawns and pieces left on the board. This is when it's safe for the king to come out and take part in the battle. Here are some tips to improve your chess game.

1. Planning. Is important that you plan your attack. Your opponent will have an easy time defending themselves if you attack here in one move and do something totally different in the next. All the pieces must work together to be effective. Think of your chess men as a team and you are the coach. They must work together using their strengths and weaknesses to support each other.

2. Know the values that you place on your pieces. Consider carefully any time that you think about giving up one of your pieces to your opponent.

3. Pay attention to what your opponent is doing. Every time your opponent moves stop and think about what their strategy might be. Are there any threats that you should be on the watch out for? Is one of your men in danger? The only to successfully defend yourself is to understand what your opponent is doing.

4. Develop quickly and well. Timing is very important in chess. If your men are ready for action and to move quickly you'll be able to control the course of the game.

5. Keep your king safe at all times. The object of the game is to capture the king. Your opponent is seeking to hunt down and capture your king. Make sure you have a plan to protect your king.

6. Always make the best possible move. You should ask yourself some questions before making a move. Will this move improve my position by increasing the effectiveness of my piece? Does this move help to defend against my opponents threats?

7. If it is pawn, consider how you can keep it protected from attack.

8. If it is another piece that you're moving consider whether the enemy can drive it away.

9. The alert. Once you've reached a good strong position in the game it is important that you do not relax. This is a common mistake. You must always be watching for your opponents threats.

10. Know when to trade pieces. The best time to trade pieces is when you can capture a piece worth more than the one you're giving up.

11. Consider the end of the game. Always remember that every move you make can affect your chances in the end game.

12. Control the center. The player that controls the four squares in the center of the board will have the advantage in the game.

If you practice and consider these tips you'll improve your chess game.