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How to Create the Best Super Nintendo Bundle

Have you ever wanted to buy a Super Nintendo console but don't want to spend a fortune? How do you know what to buy with the SNES so you don't waste money on worthless accessories and bad games? Follow these seven tips below and you can get an Super Nintendo system for less and not waste time and money.

1. Buy a Super Nintendo Used: Super Nintendo's haven't been manufactured since the 90's so you aren't going to find any in stores. New consoles can still be found, but you will pay a hefty premium. Buy a console that has been cleaned and tested and you won't have any quality problems even though the system is used.

2. Buy Online: The best prices on SNES consoles are online. Most local video game stores don't carry Super Nintendo consoles or games so you online might be your only option. When you shop online you usually won't have to pay sales tax. But watch out for high shipping! It can eat into a lot of the savings if you aren't careful. If you have to buy at a local store checkout a pawn shop, sometimes you will find a good deal.

3. Bundle Games and Accessories: Buy games and accessories at the same time you buy the SuperNES. Lots of online stores offer discounts on bundled items. And Shipping is almost always less than if you bought everything seperately.

4. Buy Used Games: Buying used games is a great way to save money. Again, you don't have much of an option with Super Nintendo games because they are hard to find new. Be sure to buy games that are in good condition though. You don't want a bunch of stickers on the games or faded covers. Only shop at a store that gives a clear description of the item's condition.

5. Read Game Reviews: There are a lot of games for the Super Nintendo, and to be honest many of them are no good. Do a little bit of research into the games before you buy them. What are critics saying? Or better yet actual gamers? and other retailers have lots of customer reviews you can read before buying. Some good video games to start with are: Super Mario World, Super Punch Out, Donkey Kong Country, Zelda Link to the Past, and Final Fantasy III.

6. Buy Games that Interest You: Reviews can only take you so far because the critics might have different opinions than you. If you love skateboarding, you will probably enjoy a skateboarding game. If you daughter likes Mickey Mouse, she will probably like a Mickey Mouse game too, even if it doesn't have the best reviews. Try to find the best reviewed game in that genre.

7. Buy Nintendo Accessories: The Super Nintendo doesn't have any must own accessories. The console comes with two controllers and it can't use anymore and games don't need memory cards to save their data. If you do buy accessories, buy Nintendo made ones. Third party controllers and accessories are not reliable compared to Nintendo's. You will save time and money by buying the best one initially.

If you follow these seven tips you will be able to start enjoying on your Super Nintendo console, games, and accessories right away and won't have to spend a ton of money to do it.

Copyright (c) 2007 JJ Hendricks