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Online Games: An Extension Of Our Real Life

We like to feel special and have the ability to express ourselves in our own unique way and what could a better place than online games, which are an extension of our real life. We can enjoy the freedom to choose of what we do with our own willpowers and time.Online games have enriched the lives of the many players who have invested time and energy into these rich worlds and its success could be measure by its ability to go beyond the confines of the virtual world into the personal life of a gamer.

There are dozens of Massively-Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Games (MMOPRG's) and it is really an overwhelming task to select the best from them. And most of the interested player does not have the time or money to play more then one game at a time. Therefore to retain the player base and making the platform available for everyone software companies need to come up with more creative ways of distinguishing themselves from each other in this competitive market.

For any game online one thing is certain that the game has to be fun and must continue to be fun. What keeps us happy in the real world will often transform to what keeps us happy in the virtual world of a game especially Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Games. One of the most important aspects of a game is being able to customize the in-game character and it is a key element that defines the identity of a player. Just as in real world, people like to have the option of changing their lot in life through self-improvement similarly players are allowed to create a unique, one-of-a-kind avatar that defines them in the virtual world as well as the voices to match the avatar. Voice-changing products like MorphVOX from Screaming Bee allow these players to have a unique voice that matches their in-game character. Another way to customize character in game is providing a variety of clothing and possessions just following the way that in real life is done. Unique clothing combinations define your character's style and make you stand out of the crowd. A game with variety of loot and goodies and player housing is a big draw for gamers. Just as in real life, gamers need a purpose and so understanding the importance of it online games offer professions, player driven economy, and guilds to provide players with roles that will help to create a virtual society where interdependence on other players keeps people engaged in games.

Multiplayer online games not only provide fun and entertainment but a great way to long-lasting friendships supporting each other in both good and bad times in the real world.