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Not Exploit-proofed, Age of Conan Needs More Work

Despite the stunning look of your character and the surrounding environment rendered by your $500 graphic card. Age of Conan is still in need of a lot of work in order to finish those systems lying underneath its graphical aspects. This is proven through many game-braking discovery of AoC exploits by leaked beta testers consent. These Age of Conan exploits are well documented as screenshots, descriptive articles and even in the form of video. If Funcom is not to fix all these anytime soon, then they will, later on, have to catch up with many players who keep exploiting from these unfinished and exploitable mechanics.

Either you had participated in the beta test or a new face to Age of Conan. It is possible that after a while of play time you are going to spot or being abused by people who use these AoC exploits. Members of, an MMO games exploit community claims that there are so many of these unpolished glitches that could be abused from. However, the beta sider reveals that during close to launch, the development team still marked these AoC exploit reports as a low-priority issue. Prior to the launch of the game, the degree of activity at keeps growing rapidly and more exploits are revealed and being used against other players more often. Players should be well aware of these threats in case Funcom is not going to fix them upon the launch of the game.

Beta testers have posted the videos as the evidence of how dangerous these AoC exploits could be if being left unattended. One of the video showing a spell caster class player standing inside the wall and kill other players outside without being noticed. This is still not the most serious Age of Conan exploit case presented, the rest are not being disclosed to the outsider yet. However, the front page which is visible to everyone stated that AoC exploits available can let players walk in the air and teleport characters across the map.

As long as Age of Conan exploits are not yet on the top list of development priority. Players will have to find the way around it to either defend themselves against exploiters or simply becoming one. The place like is there to remind Funcom that the Age of Conan: Hyborian Adventure needs to be polished. And to players, it informs them about unexpected threats that they might encounter or perhaps an edge of opportunity. This is up to players all by themselves.