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Whats More Fun Than Playing a Computer Game?

You'd get to use the very latest techniques available - and in computer game development, as in other areas of computer animation and design, new ideas and techniques are becoming available all the time. When Andrew Adamson directed the 2005 movie of The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, he said he was using techniques simply not available just a few years before. The same is true of computer game design. Every year, games are more realistic, more innovative, more gripping to play.

You might love to play computer games but never imagined you could design them. After all, playing games takes no special skills, but developing them surely takes many skills and lots of know-how, right? True; but you can acquire those skills through distance learning.

With distance learning, you can take game courses from the comfort of your own home. That's a lot easier, and a lot cheaper, than attending a college to study computer game development.

It's also likely to be more use to you. Because it is such a fast-moving industry, conventional college courses can be at a real disadvantage. They can be effectively out of date before they've even been introduced to the syllabus. A home-based study, on the other hand, can be updated far more easily, keeping you abreast of developments as they happen.

Another big advantage of home-based game courses is, if you choose the right one, it will be put together by games developers for future games developers. In other words, it will have been designed by people who have been trained up in the industry and know exactly what games companies are looking for.

Good course providers, again, will be fully recognised and accredited by the key games industry bodies. They will give you access to trained professional tutors, who will guide you, assess you and help you at every stage as you progress to an industry-recognised exam in computer game development.

And there are no formal entry requirements; you don't have to have qualifications in maths, science or computer design, for instance. All you need is a real love of your subject, a willingness to learn - and that sense of wonder.

That's what makes playing computer games lots of fun - and makes being games developers even more fun!