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Hammerfall Hints - You Will Need Them!

Hammerfall is a RPG game hosted on MySpace that is growing in popularity very quickly. If you are not familiar with RPG games, here is a brief introduction.

RPG stands for Role Playing Game. In the game, you assume the role of a character. The characters sometimes belong to different classes, and each class will have its own unique powers. For example, some characters may have greater strength and stamina, while other characters may have greater magical or healing powers. The character you choose depends on your own personal preferences. If you like, you can even build multiple characters. Of course, at any one time, you can only use one character to play the game.

Hammerfall is a prime example of a well thought out RPG game. For RPG games to be successful, several factors must be present.

1) Interesting storyline.

The story should be compelling enough to lure the player more into the game. Not all RPG games have captivating story lines. When the story is not compelling enough, motivation to complete the quests will certainly be lower.

2) Unique weapons, armory, and other special items.

Artifacts in a RPG game make the game more challenging and exciting. You can acquire an artifact by completing a quest, fighting monsters, buying at the marketplace, or trading with another player. Some artifacts are so rare and hard to find that players may actually pay real cash to acquire the items. An artifact can increase a character's stats, or enhance the character with some special abilities.

3) Challenging bosses and monsters.

The bosses and monsters are a big part of a RPG game. They present exciting opportunities for players to overcome seemingly insurmountable challenges. To finish off the bosses, a player may have to be patient and wait until the character is of a high enough level.

4) Interesting virtual worlds.

The entire RPG game is all about traveling through virtual worlds, acquiring artifacts, killing monsters, and completing quests. The worlds must be interesting enough to capture the imagination of the players. For example, players may have to go through mazes in the world of the Kalamar Empire.

Of course, some quests may be more challenging than others. It is advisable to have friends who play the same game as you because if you ever get stuck with a particular quest, your friends can always come to your aid.

5) Hints and tips.

Due to such challenging quests, you may find yourself coming to a dead end every now and then. That is when you will need some valuable hints and tips. You can find such information from community sites such as a forum. For instance, if you are playing Hammerfall, you can always chat with other players on the forum and find out how they have completed those quests. In the process, you make new friends, learn new stuff about the game, and eventually overcome those challenges.