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Nintendo Wii Previews: The Advantage And The Bad

The new console from Nintendo is Wii. Here are some of the pros and cons from some of the many Nintendo Wii previews. This article tackles the good and bad sides of the Nintendo Wii.

The Good:

Some of the Nintendo Wii previews state the good side of the console is its revolutionary controller design. It offers unique motion sensitive options. It is compatible with all Nintendo GameCube games. It also has a built in SD for storage for viewing photos, and most of all, the price is not that bad for a revolutionary game console.

Another Nintendo preview states that it can help non-gamers to stand up and try the game themselves. Some games lat you exercise as you play. It's like you're not playing a video game. It is very interactive. Playing games like Tennis, Baseball, Bowling, Golf, and Boxing.

The interaction between player and the game console is what makes the Nintendo Wii superior than other consoles. Many Nintendo Wii previews think highly of this game unit; the design, the innovative controllers which is called "the Wiimote" and most of all, the games. Most Nintendo Wii previews also stated that by downloading softwares, you can do a lot with the Wiimote, it can sound like a Jedi's lightsaber just like star wars, and it can play notes and make it like a guitar.

There are games that can be incorporated into the Wii. You can connect the Nintendo DS into the Wii and play "Pokemon Battle Revolution". This is the first game to allow connectivity between the two game consoles.

The Bad:

With every good side comes the bad side. Here are some of the bad side of Nintendo Wii Previews: The Wiimote eats up battery life so fast that you have to change batteries often. It takes time to get used to the style of gameplay especially of you are a newbie to the gaming world. The package only comes with one Wiimote; you have to buy a separate one to play cooperative games.

It lacks HD graphics and surround sound unlike Microsoft's Xbox 360 and Sony's PS3. It requires a wired Bluetooth receiver to be placed somewhere in front of the TV screen to interface with the remote controller, and most of all, it won't play CD's and DVD's.

On some Nintendo Wii previews, Nintendo stated that they did not allow the Wii to have DVD playback. This was to lower the cost of the game console. There are some reports however that they are planning to release a version that plays DVD in Japan sometime soon. So you guys would have to wait and see.