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Xbox 360 vs Nintendo Wii vs Sony PS3 - The Ultimate Showdown!

Forget the battle between good and evil for control of the Earth ... we have far more pressing matters on our hands! For those of you looking to get a next-gen console, there are 3 main choices - the innovative and intuitive Nintendo Wii, the powerful and compatible Xbox 360, or the outstanding graphics of the Sony PS3. Which should you choose? We check out why every console is a winner below.

Xbox 360s are Excellent

Last year, the Xbox 360 came out ahead of the other games consoles simply because it was released first. Now hat all three are freely available, what is it that makes Xbox 360s special?

- Xbox 360s have awesome video output matching the PS3's - 1080p video output and full HD support

- They can be used as a 'media extender' when paired up with a PC using Windows Media Centre.

- The base price for an Xbox 360 is much less than a PS3 - although if you get the optional $180 HD Dvd player extension, the package is around the same price.

- Games can be a little more expensive (around $50-$70).

Wiis are Wicked

Nintendo has taken a radically different tack with the Wii than either Sony or Microsoft, going for pared-back graphics along with the amazing Wiimote control system. When and why does a Wii beat out an Xbox 360?

- They are definitely the cheapest new-generation console

- Games are cheaper on the Wii than Xbox 360 as well - around $30 to $50

- The most outstanding feature is definitely the innovative control style, using a motion-sensing remote control among other cool controllers.

- Wiis are fully focused on game play - no DVD playback, no hard drive

- They are internet enabled though, which means you can play multiplayer games with a lot of real people!

PS3s are Peachy Keen, Jellybean

Don't let the old-school heading fool you ... PS3 are definitely one of the most advanced new generation gaming consoles currently available. They are set up as a PC alternative (strange as that sounds!). Here's why people think PS3s are peachy keen compared to Xbox 360s:

- It has a USB keyboard and mouse, and is web enabled so can serve as a very basic PC

- They include an optical Blu-ray drive

- The PS3 can be a digital hub for photos, accessible via an SD card reader and compact USB drive.

- Game prices are around $50-$60

Owners' Opinions

So, what do the owners think of each separate gaming console, from Xbox 360 to PS3 and onto Wii? Some user comments:

- Xbox 360s are a little noisier than PS3s

- PS3 has a bit of latency in the gameplay

- Most Xbox 360 games are first person shooter

- Xbox 360s have more powerful processor, so they're faster

Most people are of the opinion that PS3 and Xbox are the competing products... Wiis are in a league of their own, and should be debated as such. Happy gaming!