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What Is Beat The Cheese Game All About?

Free games that could be found online provide great entertainment for people at different ages, genders and backgrounds. It is good to have some leisure and fun with these available games. There is one called Beat the Cheese which is easy to be played for most people. Moreover the young and old will get to test their reflexes in this game.

So how exactly Beat the Cheese works? There will be a picture of a cheese with 11 holes in it. Once the game starts, there will be a mouse appear from underneath holes in the cheese.

When the player sees it, he or she needs to response quickly to whack the mouse with a piece of ham. Each time the player successfully whack the mouse, the mouse will show out its tongue and there will 1 score for it.

As the game continues on, the levels will increase on its own gradually. Then the speed of the mouse coming out from underneath the holes in the cheese will increase. The player is expected to whack the mouse successfully as many times as possible. Missing too often times will lead to game over.

Beat the Cheese is really a simple game to be played. One just needs to control the ham and respond quickly to whack the mouse. It could sharpen reflexes and reactions from each player.

Children may find this interesting as there will be mouse popped out from holes and there is a challenge to hit it. However the downside of this is that it may lead some people to overly focus on the game. As one may feel dissatisfied whenever it stops at some level, there may be players who want to continue to play until he or she will reach at a better level of success. With any other game, avoid excessive time with it.