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Chess Puzzles and Famous Chess Composers

Solving chess puzzles is a fantastic path to improve your chess. Solving them is a nice tool to have us think. Don't you feel yourself a winner after having spent an hour or so and finding the correct solution?

A great move is to solve puzzles created by famous chess composers. They have produced many beautiful compositions that are worth spending our valuable time and solving them today.

This is to give a short information on the famous chess composers and their compositions. Richard Reti. He is the author of the most famous chess puzzle. The puzzle was first published in the year 1921.

White: Kh8, c6. Black: Ka6, h5. White to move and draw. Set up the position and try to solve it - you must be impressed. It looks impossible to draw: The White king is far away and the Black king too close.

The composition is simple and incredible. Many players were surprised, many articles were written, a lot of words said on this puzzle. If you want to see more, find the compositions of the following chess composers:

- Josef Kling and Bernhard Horwitz (they worked as one team).
- Samuel Loyd (the most famous American puzzle author).
- Emanuel Lasker (a World Chess Champion).
- Henri Rinck (the most productive composer).

- Alexei Troitsky (the most famous Russian composer).
- Vasily Platov and Mikhail Platov (the brothers).
- Nicolai Grigoriev (a best guru on pawn endgame).
- Leonid Kubbel (from Russia).

- Ladislav Prokesh (from former Czechoslovakia).
- Jindrich Fritz (from former Czechoslovakia).
- Alois Wotawa (from Austria).
- Max Euwe (a World Chess Champion).

- Ernst Pogosjants (a modern composer).
- Eugene Cook, Vladimir Bron, William Bone.
- Aristide Dall Ava, Friedrich Ludwig Amelung.

- Fernando Saavedra, Ercole Antonio Del Rio.
- Otto Georg Dehler, Arthur Havasi.
- Theodor Herlin, Alain Campbell...

The above list is not full. But it is full enough to give you an initial knowledge to find more on the topic. Just type any of the above names plus chess puzzles in the text box of a search engine and click Search.

If you are a chess beginner, try to find the puzzles of old and ancient times. To give you a hint, Alexei Troitsky (1866-1942) and Henri Rinck (1870-1952) are considered to be the fathers of modern chess composition.