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Flash Games, Are They Really Good?

In today's jet age, computer games have really taken up the first place and have become a passion for many adults and children. In United States of America, an observation by an independent research firm took place which says that around sixty percent of adults have been spending around 10 hours on weekly basis on these games and the same findings confirms that more 60% of time consumption each year will be increased in the next four years. Also the developing markets of China and India have been captured by this arena; hence the market of gaming is really blooming overall.

There is a product of Macromedia known as Flash and this is being incorporated in a very definite way to program these games. Flash games being very famous all over the globe and especially in the causal games field, its use can be made in a very broadest fashion sense in order to design rich in graphic and real interactive Flash games. Flash did not prove to be a good option when it came to making serious games but now technology have changed a lot.

The new version at retail called Flash 7 which is also known as the MX 2004, is an interactive platform which is quite modern comparatively. In order to come up with amazing and numerous flash games, Macromedia is depending on its power as it consists of a tool which is quite powerful in designing and animation authoring. It is an object of an engine that is pretty safe and dynamic scripting, its bitmap offering sub pixel precision and anti aliasing, and features of advanced audio and video playback. All these extensive features are coming in to developers as very helpful and exceptional in order to design graphic rich Flash games.

Flash games has a main advantage of Flash being everywhere, thus around 96% of the people are required to download just the game, for the web version of the game. Moreover, most of them will fail to install arbitrary ActiveX controls, or the usage of Java plugging, whereas Flash is already installed on corporate machines along with Windows.

These Flash games are extremely easy to learn and play comparatively and thus anyone can play any game instantly. As these games appear to be very interesting, children hardly take less or no time to learn and play them.

However, performance is the major problem for these Flash games, wherein action script is extremely slow at times. Byte code execution is average may be on the same level of the other scripting languages but when it comes to entry points, it could be a major problem. In order to set up the execution context to form into the required machine and then bringing it out again after the function is over could be very expensive. Script-to-script function can be a little less expensive call but still important and thus flash can be a very good option for games development, if you can set the performance right.