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Wow Gold Making Tips

Hey guys and gals i wanted to publish this article simply because alot of people these days are getting pulled into buying 'Gold Guides' and im here to offer strategies to get those gold stocks up before giving some bloke your hard earned cash so here we go :).


First things first you want to make yourself a banking toon this is done by making a new toon and creating yourself a guild offer people to sing and pay them maybe 10-20 gold a sign then kick them out when the guild is formed and simply use it as storage to store stacks of items to sell high once AH (auction house) prices are nice and high for your product this is usally depending on the realm around the middle of the week. 


Second you want to farm get a tailor if your farming clothe as they have the buff to pick up extra clothe every now and again i forget the rate haha im bad with those but i know its worth it i've found that the best farming teams are one ranged dps then two looters to keep up in doing it this way you will spend less time farming more time playing the game because thats why after all we play isnt it???? :)


I've found a spot for myself to make at least 1k gold every hour hour with two people just think what can be done with a group eh? another thing depending on the realm is to make sure your making the most of what your farming eg if leather stacks sell for more sell those but if in turn it is more profitable but always time and cost effective to make those stacks into some nice armour bags enchants whatever but thats for you to work out over your take a chance to study AH for a week just check once a day and mark days it goes up and down you'd be surprised the changes through the week.


So guy and gals before handing that cash over try these for free my team manages to keep a nice guild float for repairs and extra for guild mounts and such it just takes a bit of learning there is not quick fix for gold bar a mod or two and we all know they can get us in trouble hopefully this can help some of you out there Peace :)