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Choosing The Right Gaming Headset Will Improve Game Play

How does one go about choosing the right gaming headset for themselves with so many options available. When gaming headsets just keep evolving and getting better and better with every new model released (Well most do anyway). It's important to stay away from the headsets that don't evolve and grow with the times. Eventually these stag nit headsets will become out dated and then finally extinct. Therefore rendering useless for future use.

When choosing the right gaming headset for myself I first have to decide whether it will be my main headset or simply a headset allocated to only gaming or PC use. Certain headsets can serve many purposes other then simply gaming. On the other hand some headsets are purely built with the ultimate gaming experience in mind.

When you are teamed up with a headset that you can gel with, you will find your gaming abilities will increase. Why?. Because you get the unfair advantage of being able to hear and locate your enemies from a greater distance thanks to the high quality of your headset. Having that extra second or two just as that grenade is being cooked may mean the difference between making it out alive and being blown to pieces. Hearing an enemy enter a building on the first floor whilst you are on the second floor gives you a significant advantage.

In order to obtain the unfair advantage you must first find the right headset for you. So for gaming I tend to simply go for a headset aimed specifically at gamers. Probably the number one important feature of a for me is comfort. With comfort comes longevity of game play. So the right headset for me must be extremely comfortable so I can play for countless hours without feeling discomfort. Which therefore disrupts concentration and game play. Read reviews on the headset's comfort, as headsets may appear to be snug but after 30 minutes can start hurting your head and give you head aches.

The sound quality of the best of the best headsets is simply outstanding. Depending on your budget of course. Do you prefer stereo, amplified stereo, 5.1 or 7.1 surround sound... Me myself am a fan of the 7.1 virtual surround sound headset when it comes to completely indulging in game play. Nothing beats the sound of bullets flying past your head and you yourself actually flinch because it feels that real. 7.1 virtual surround sound headsets tend to be above the $100 mark, but if you choose wisely you can find quality gaming headsets under $100 that do actually have 7.1 surround sound. Plus they give the big boys a run for their money too.

When you search for headsets under $50, the really good headsets are few and far between. In saying this, a few gaming headsets under $50 do actually compete with headsets double their price. They can even outshine and out perform the big brothers. So when choosing the right headset for your self, go into it cautiously and try not to be judgmental just because of the price tag. Have your conditions and standards then stick by them. Don't forget to read personal reviews to get a good idea of which headsets will suit your style.