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Wow Rogue Leveling Guide For Cataclysm

This WoW rogue leveling guide for Cataclysm will focus on the early stages of building a rogue in World of Warcraft in order to level to the cap in the shortest time possible.

The rogue class is one of the fastest classes in the game to level and while it may seem complicated to play it is actually relatively easy.

We are going to focus on the Combat talent build rotation because it is traidtionally the fastest build for rogues looking to level very quickly.

The early levels up until level 8 just are pretty much going to run up and swing away. The rogues ability to start at level 1 dual wielding weapons have made it very easy to get through the early levels without any real rotation.

Starting at level 8 you will want to position yourself behind the target and open with an ambush followed by sinister strike and eviscerate. If you find it difficult to get behind a target you can start off with sinister strike and you will be fine with most equal level mobs.

At level 12 you will receive recuperate which allows you to keep moving and killing at a faster pace. Any combination points you find left after killing a target should be used on recuperate unless you have another target on you that needs to be killed.

Level 16 intriduces gouge which offers a tremendous attack without even having to be stealthed so you can move much faster with equal level mobs.

Level 22 you will receive slice and dice. This is a extremely deadly attack that you will want to try and keep combination points up for as it will finish a target very quickly.

Cheap shot is awarded at level 26 and allows you to stun an opponent if they get an advantage on you at any time and allows you time to reset and gain the advantage back.

At level 40 you will receive garrot which causes your opponent to bleed and offers a damage over time attack.

Level 46 offers rupture and this is the point your rotation will really be fairly simple but extremely deadly while leveling.

At this point you will simply stealth to garrote your target then sinister strike to build up enough combat points to hit rupture. Usually this means game over for your target.

If you are looking for a WoW rogue leveling guide for cataclysm that allows players to level at a pace much faster than normal there are some awesome in game guide options you can use. These have been used by the top players in the game for years now and they are the most effective means of power leveling available for World of Warcraft players.

Some of the top WoW leveling guide options like those found at can make a huge difference in leveling speed as well as maximizing limited playing time and the frustration of where to quest as well as what are the best quests to complete.