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3 Excellent Trade Chat Cataclysm Gold Farming Strategies

Are you looking for Cataclysm gold farming strategies? If that's a "yes", you probably have butterflies in your pockets already, or at least you're trying to get that huge amount of gold for epics or a fancy mount.

Ever since 4.0.1, many players have come up with new Cataclysm gold farming strategies, and here, in this report, I will focus on 3 nice trade chat strategies that will bring you profits.

1. Profession based services. If you read the trade chat, you probably have seen many times players yelling that they offer their crafting services for fees. I'm pretty sure you thought this can't be a very profitable method to make gold in WoW. That's not entirely true. Some of the crafting professions in World of Warcraft are quite expensive to level up. Example: Enchanting. Now, if as an enchanter you offer your services to enchant other people's items, using their materials, you can maximize this profession without spending gold at all. Saving money is making money.

2. Selling rare items. I'm sure you're aware that there are many rare items in the game, items that you can't find in the Auction House every day. Those are usually expensive. Now, if you want to sell an item like that, you'll probably be more successful saying that in the trade chat during the rush hour. This way, you will catch much more potential clients than if you place your item in the Auction House.

3. Selling items that cannot be traded through the Auction House. The last of the Cataclysm gold farming techniques that I'm going to write here focuses on items, like locked strongboxes which can be auctioned. I'll give an example here. Many players work on the title "the Insane", which requires gaining exalted reputation with certain factions. To become exalted with the Ravenholdt, you need Heavy Junkboxes which can only be pickpocketed by a rogue. Since not many players have rogues, you can farm these boxes if you have one, and sell them in the trade chat.

Best Strategy to Make Gold in Cataclysm

Now, although this isn't a trade chat gold making technique, I want to say one or two things about Auction House trading. Did you know this is the most profitable of the Cataclysm gold farming strategies? All the elite WoW players make their money this way.

However, buying stuff to resell it is risky, and if you're not familiar with the supply and demand on your realm, you may get burned. That's why it's best to work with a helper. The best helper I could find, which has helped me to get my Vial of Sands in less than one week, was a Cataclysm gold guide.

Therefore, if you want to become a successful Auction House broker and make enough gold to buy anything you want in WoW, or if you're simply looking for more Cataclysm gold farming strategies, I strongly recommend you to work with a guide.