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Wow Leveling Chart Vs Wow Leveling Addon

At some point in the life of any long time World of Warcraft player the question of whether to use a WoW Leveling Chart or an Addon will have to be answered.

Anyone who plays World of Warcraft knows that though the process of leveling your first character is filled with wonder and awe that by the time you are leveling your third or fourth toon that same journey can become a grind.

Many players turn to either a WoW Leveling Chart, which shows them the appropriate wow leveling zones and wow leveling areas or to an addon which will auto-pilot them through the leveling up process.

Let's take a look at the advantages and disadvantages of both methods.


  • A WoW leveling chart is free and can be found in numerous places across the Internet. If you were to do a search for WoW levelng chart right now, you would see an enormous list of resources.
  • A WoW leveling addon can cost from $15 to $30 dollars and most come with lifetime upgrades, meaning if you buy it today, you can use it even if the game changes dramatically.

Winner: WoW Leveling Chart, though a $30 investment isn't a huge amount to pay to increase your fun in the game.

Leveling Speed

  • A WoW leveling chart will point you to the wow leveling zones where you can get experience. It saves you time guessing where to go, asking in guild chat or perhaps even running half-way across the world only to find you are in the wrong place. You still have to find the quest givers and follow the quest lines yourself. It's a bit like playing pin the tail on the donkey except you are always pointed in the right direction.
  • A good WoW leveling addon takes you by the hand and leads you through the wow leveling areas in a predetermined route that will make most efficient use of your time. Imagine it like a GPS , except it is guiding you to a destination of level 85 and not a phyiscal location.

Winner: WoW Leveling Addon, though players who are experiencing the game for the first time may prefer to explore on their oen.

Ease of Use

  • A WoW leveling chart is simply a webpage that gives you the names and appropriate level ranges for the wow leveling zones. It is very easy to use, but gives limited information.
  • A WoW leveling addon is also incredibly easy to use giving you in-game pointers and explaining the quests to you as you complete them. Most addons install themselves making the process incredibly easy for the player.

Winner: Tie, but given the added information provided by a good addon I give it a slight edge.

In the end, it is a personal choice whether to use a WoW leveling chart or a WoW leveling addon. If cost is an issue then the chart is your best option. If cost isn't an issue then the addon will make most players happier in the long run.