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RS Stealth Armour Details

This is another player-created game content posted on Runelabs. Whether you support it or not, let's read first and see what's interesting.

Stealth would take the ghostly features to the next level. It would make your character completely invisible, as well as reducing the likely-hood of an aggressive mob attacking you, for when you need to sneak around for whatever purposes.

However, engaging in combat will break the effect. You will not be invisible to players in your same group. Running speed is decreased slighly.

Full set of ghostly robes: Visually non-existent, has a minimap dot, if another player hovers their mouse over your location they can still interact with you.

Attuned shadow sword: A shadow sword can be attuned by taking it to the Empyrean citadel along with your choice of a light or shadow mask and speaking with Sliske to add the desired effect to your shadow sword.

Shadow attuned shadow sword: 1 minute passive that removes your minimap dot, and player interact. Increased monster passiveness. Requires full ghost set to use. 5 minute cooldown.

Light attuned shadow sword: 1 minute passive that allows you to discover any stealthed players around you,weakening their stats if they are discovered.

This is mostly designed to be a new tool for PvPers, to sneak around and have fun, but at the expense of inventory. There are niche situations, where this might be too op, but I think it would be fun.

Like us on the Runelabs and post your feedbacks.

Here we get another brilliant idea for a quest which would focus on helping the aviansie, and could possibly serve as a starting quest for an Armadyl questchain. So let's read for more details. Feel free to post your feedback.

We help some aviansies that fled the God Wars Doungeon set up a small village on a barren isle somewhere Runescape gold north of Rellekka. Since they have done nothing but fight for so long most of their non-combat related skills have withered, you'll have to teach them the skills again to help them sustain their village. Then you'll forge an alliance between them and the fremenniks of Rellekka.

You talk to Mord Gunnars, who've seen some strange activity on a barren isle north of Rellekka. Fearing trolls you agree to investigate.

Once you arrive on the isle you find battred, discarded armour and weapons along with some dead trolls and feathers. The way the strong trolls have been butchered without, it seems, much of Cheap rs gold a chance, makes you decide to sail back to Rellekka and call for reinforcements.