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Jak And Daxter The Precusor Legacy Guideline Part 1

With the news that the Jak and Daxter collection has ported to the PlayStation 3, I thought it would be useful to write a guideline of the game, starting with the first game, Jak and Daxter: The Precursor Legacy.


The game starts with Jak and his best-friend Daxter journeying to the Misty Island looking for adventure, in the opening scene the two boys come across Gol and Maia Anchron, busy giving instructions to their Lurker soldiers. The two boys leave the scene but get discovered by a Lurker whom Jak defeats with a Precursor bomb, the impulse from the bomb however causes Jak to knock Daxter into a pool of Dark Eco. As a result, Daxter gets turned into an ottsel, a half-weasel half-otter being.

The pair then return to Sandover Village seeking the help of Samos the Sage. However Samos can not help them as his knowledge of Dark Eco is very limited, he suggests they consult the Sage in the North whom they would have been able to consult if the transportation gates were working. Samos tells the boys that they need to travel across the Fire Cannon to get to the North. The Boys, though need to use Samos' daughter, Kiera, who built a Zoomer Vehicle but need 20 power cells to protect the vehicle with it's heat shields. Thus the first mission begins.

Geyser Rock

The game starts in Geyser Rock, where Jak can get 4 power cells during the training he gets from Samos, during this training Samos will explain how eco, which is a source energy in the Jak and Daxter Universe, works.

Sandover Village

The next area is Sandover Village where Jak can complete mini quests for the villagers to get power-cells as payment. Throughout the various areas if Jak collects 240 precursor orbs, he can give the orbs to the Oracle who will reward Jak with 2 power cells. Another power cell gets obtained by finding 7 scout flies, you already get 2 scout flies, during the training that Samos gives Jak, but others can found in the homes of some of the villagers. Jak can get another power-cell when he herds the Farmer's Yakows into their pen. Further collecting 180 precursor orbs gets Jak 2 more power cells from the Mayor and his uncle.

Sentinel Beach

On Sentinel Beach, Jak can get 8 power cells. The first mini-quest involves him to shove a Flut-Flut Egg of a cliff, a Flut-Flut is a type of bird in the Jak and Daxter Universe. Secondly he has to clear the Eco Harvesters from the Pelican droppings, the same Pelican steals a power-cell from Jak which he has to defeat. Also on Sentinel Beach, there are various other mini-quests, like chasing the sea-gulls or defeating the Lurkers on the Canon Tower, that will also get Jak Power-Cells.

Forbidden Jungle

At the Forbidden Jungle, Jak has to reconnect the Eco Beams to the tower in Sandover Village, this part is a bit tricky, because when you find the beam mirrors, you need to follow the beam to the next mirror, I recommend players search around the Jungle for the mirrors, because using Jak's telescope will only show you the last Mirror near the village, but once you complete this mini quest, you enable blue eco vents which enable you to complete other quests.

The Forbidden Jungle, has many other mini-quests that are relatively simply, like catching 200 fish for the Fisherman, as a reward the Fisherman not only gives you a power-cell, but also gives you access to use his boat, to travel to and from Misty Island.

Misty Island

The Misty Island is perhaps the trickiest area in the first level, when you reach the Island the first thing you need to do, is to catch the sculptor's muse, the trick to this is to chase him the full path at least once, because the muse runs in the same path, then on certain areas you can use the rolling jump to make up ground and eventually catch the muse. The other slightly tricky mini-quest is using the blue eco to reach the power-cell, the trick with this is to clear the path by defeating the Lurkers, then you can simply power up with blue eco and run towards the platform. The other mini quests on Misty Island are rather straight forward.

Fire Canyon

This is the last area of the first level, all you need to do here is drive the Zoomer into the water-balloons to keep the Zoomer cool. But remember to collect all the power-cells in the first level because you will need them later in the game.


This concludes our look and guideline of the first level. The first level is relatively straight forward with not many tricky situations, I think the first level is there to teach players how to get used to Jak's behaviour and techniques that Jak can use when fighting Lurkers and other creatures.