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Diablo 3 Beta Keys

For all of you long time Diablo fans that didn’t receive a closed beta key in September, you might be in luck!  Blizzard knows there are thousands of fans out there that want to give the new game a test run in the beta. They are giving away 2,000 Diablo 3 beta keys to fans that fill out an application on Diablo 3’s official Facebook page.

Blizzard will be selecting 200 beta key winners a week for eight weeks starting on October 17th. Each person that wins a key has the eligibility to win a second beta key to give to a friend or whoever you choose. Blizzard will be choosing only a quarter of each 200 winners to give a second key to. To be eligible for this sweepstakes all you have to do is fill out the application in Blizzard’s sweepstakes app on Facebook and subscribe to their page. It’s that easy to get your hands on a beta key if you are still disappointed about not getting one the first time around.

It has been eleven years since Diablo II took our computers by storm and made people loose countless hours. There have a lot of knock off Diablo games over the years it’s hard to count, but they never quit did the trick. I have spent some time with the beta and can tell you that longtime fans will not be disappointed. The fundamentals of Diablo have not altered at all your still looting and clicking for hours on end. Don’t let me saying that fool you into thinking that Diablo 3 is just the same old game.

One of the big things that have changed is character classes. You get five character classes to choose from that play entirely different from one another. The way Blizzard does this is they got rid of mana and made every class has their own power source to fuel your spells and abilities. This all means that you won’t have any trouble finding a hero that fits your type of play style.  Blizzard made it a point to make the classes so different, and they did a great job doing so. The five different classes are Barbarian, Demon Hunter, Monk, Witch Doctor and Wizard. The only class on this list that returns from past Diablo games is the Barbarian.  Diablo 3 has been pushed back from a late 2011 release to early 2012 release.