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Wow 60 Pvp: Expert Thief Priest 2800 Rank Experience

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Some people think the priest strong attack, said the art of war, attack is the best defense, following the Battle of the experience of the portfolio to interpret what the pastor's offensive. Buy wow items here cheaper and safer.

smooth hair full of blood, eat less controlled, short legs increase the blood priest to read Article shield was second drive, double DPS wave away, why bring the priest, the national dress of the first of 22 thieves also began with the pastor, with Germany after it first, and why you want to bring the pastor?

While these three combinations put together, but two totally different feel of the former and after the war, animal husbandry, hunting, winning more than 80%, although what I have said so much, but the pastor is really a treatment to kill ... the best start to attack stuffy priest hunter, hunter next station then fear, fear of hunters and BB together, drive light pastor BUFF open after fierce energy infusion Shadow Magic to read the article, the first wave of the priest did not sacrifice his freedom very hurt.

Most only pay the next 30 seconds to suppress pastor had died, along with a small part of the repression badge suppress post one minute later, but also anti-third full kidney, only a handful of hunting, hunter, animal husbandry, drive cross chapter pastor bondage frozen Rogue anti-terrorism drive fear thief, thief to catch a ghost disguise explosion freedom, offensive rhythm all gone, continue to chase the thieves were beaten shield against injury, the priest was wearing a concussion, such as stepping on snakes to catch and eat a full ice pastor thieves dead silence , and how to fight?

Do not chase, turtle hunters come full kidney pillars of smoke bombs pursuit, the pastor finally pay more than N columns skills they have to go to another running back, turn the priest disappeared hunters fear the outbreak of open pursuit, again, and start the same, few details said that the principle is that we can chase chase, catch catching force him to come back, as to how to force how to recover, there is no fixed routine can tell, did not encounter such a strong fire demolished hunting, animal husbandry skills early pay big, steady with Thieves blood to attack, attack and steady blood level to ourselves.

Liede hunting, riding the whole idea is the same, but they control the more you walk, when you want to do is avoid the attack control, beat halo sanctions and full ice gone forward before the top, otherwise the thieves turtles that eat full of ice to keep the thieves before full of blood, I feel really beat to death riding in Germany with 30% inhibition of transfer hunting after it, as how we have not tried hunting, you explore it on their own.

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