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Kinect EA Sports Active 2 Review - Get Healthy With Kinect

Get a full body workout with EA Sports Active 2. It is like having a fitness trainer on every step of your way of your fitness program. You can now have full control of your workouts by choosing the schedule and workouts that work best for you.

When you get your game in the box will be the EA Sports Active 2 game, heart monitor, batteries for the heart monitor, and an exercise band. You can buy additional weights to integrate into your fitness program if you choose.

When you first start out EA Sports Active 2 you will be asked to set up a few stats for tracking before you begin. Set up your weight, exercises and choose between a 3 week program or a nine week program. The 3 week program has 12 workouts to completed in 3 weeks. The 9 week program has 36 workouts to be completed in 9 weeks. You can choose the trainer generated workouts or you can choose your own workouts from over 70 exercises.

After you select your workout program and the exercises that you want to do then you set up the schedule that you want. Again you can choose to make your own schedule or choose the one that EA Sports Active 2 sets up for you.

You will then choose the intensity of the workouts. You can choose from easy, medium, or hard. Easy will be your lower intensity workouts, medium will be a bit harder making you sweat more, and hard will have the most intense workouts making you work the hardest.

When you are ready to begin you will have to stand in front of your Kinect like any other Kinect game and wait for the Kinect to find you. Once its finds you , you will begin with your exercises. A note to remember about the Kinect and EA Sports Active 2, your floor exercises should be done facing the Kinect. If you try to do them sideways like the trainer the Kinect will have a hard time recognizing you and this gets real frustrating.

The EA Sports Active 2 trainer will tell you how to do the exercises properly and will remind you to keep your form through out the exercises. This seems to bother some people. You can turn this off if you do not like being told to do the exercises properly or if the Kinect is not picking up on your movements correctly.

You need to have an EA Sports Active 2 online account to use this game correctly. All your stats are automatically uploaded to your account to keep track of your progress. The tracking tools will keep track of the calories burned and what your average heart rate was.

The heart rate monitor works very well. You will attach it to the upper forearm below the elbow faced away from your body. It seems to be pretty accurate when worn properly.

The online calendar will show you your next workout day and your next rest day. The journal provides surveys about your lifestyle, eating habits, and activities. There are also nutrition tips on what kind of foods you should be eating and when you should be eating. Every week you will do a fitness test and log in your weight.

Through your EA Active 2 online account you can join in workout groups and download more exercises. Both of these will help you to stay motivated and on track. Your workout stats are put with the others online within your workout group adding sort of a competitive edge to your workout.

The main downfall for EA Sports Active 2 is the navigation. This takes a bit of getting used to as the icons are pretty small so you can easily choose the wrong one if you are not careful. However this can be overcome by using an Xbox remote to move through the navigation screen.

All in all If you are looking for a program that will provide you with a full body workout while allowing you to set up your own workouts, then EA Sports Active 2 on the Kinect is for you. The Kinect fitness game EA Sports Active 2 is set up for long term fitness to keep you going and achieving your goals.