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Video Gaming

     Think about a world without freedom of speech. Ok, now think about a world with out internet. Now who would want to live in a world with out communication or limited communication? This is why ive recently created a video game blog called Video Gaming. In this site i want people to use the blog freely to discuss all types of games not just one genre. The exciting part about this is that i personally will be available everyday to help you through hard times in the gaming world.

     Lots of people play video games as a release from the real worlds grip, and dont blame you for that. I find it hard to believe that people go through their 9-5 jobs without thinking about what if, what if i could go somewhere or do something extraordinary that no one else could do. Well in the world of gaming this is possible.

     Video games take our technology to a whole new level. As a matter of fact, the military uses video game material for some tactical weapons. Technology will constantly be evolving from this day forward, but as a nation we will always adapt. How many times have you heard someone say " video games are a waste of time" i know ive heard it a lot, but if you really think about what video gaming has to offer they are insane for saying that. Now here is an idea, what if, our technology in video gaming allowed the U.S.A to fight wars with drones or robots, a little far fetched but what if?

     A boost in our moral. With the way our economy is today a lot of people are unemployed or job seeking. I don't know the numbers but im sure a lot of these people play video games or at least own a system. Now for a person that has no job there is a lot of time in your day to do nothing. Therefor, video games are very helpful. They may not have lots of money but gaming allows them to get their moral up.

     Gaming is a way of life for some. People find it fun and exciting to take on new challenges and adventures. Talking about video games is very important. You maybe wondering why but think about this, why do games plots, graphics, and playing quality get better? Hmmmm, maybe because as a consumer we have the right of freedom of speech and a tool most households have called internet. Now if we put those two qualities together who knows what game we could have an impact on next!

     Fellow gamers please voice your opinions and be heard. Blog about what ever you want. You may think your thoughts dont matter sometimes but trust me they do.