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How To Achieve Higher Levels Of Focus And Concentration

If you want to improve your mental focus and concentration, you must practice certain exercises. While there are many techniques that you can use to improve these kinds of mind abilities, I’ve made a list of five exercises which are effective and easy for performing. Take a look.

Counting words

If you want to perform this exercise, you need some reading material. It can be a book, a newspaper or anything else. Once you have found your reading material, try to count the words in one paragraph. Count them again, just to be sure that you have the right number of words. When you are finished with the paragraph, try to count the words in a whole page. The most important thing is that you can not use your finger for counting the words. Also, you can not count loudly. The counting has to be done in your mind.

Looking at a spot

If you want to carry out this exercise, you should get some empty paper and crayons. First thing that you must do is to paint the paper with yellow color. After that, take a crayon in other color and mark the yellow colored paper with a little spot in the center. Hang out the paper on some wall in your room. Sit straight and focus on the spot on the picture. Don’t think on nothing else. Simply observe the spot on the yellow paper.

Playing hidden object games

One of the best exercises to improve your mental focus is to play hidden object games. These games are a new type of puzzle game where you have to find the missing items within a picture. When you are looking for the missing items, you have to observe the pictures very carefully. You must pay attention on every little detail on the screen. At a first glance it may sound easy for playing hidden objects games, buy certain items are hard for discovering. So, you’ll need an hours and hours of detective work in order to find all the missing items in the picture.

Drawing a geometric shape

First you have to take a blank paper. Then, try to draw a little geometric shape which is 3 inches in size. It can be a triangle, a cycle, a pentagon etc. Paint the shape with any color that you like and put in front of you. Concentrate on it and don’t think on anything else. Don’t think with words. Just watch the figure.

Breathing technique

Breathing technique is very useful for controlling the wavering mind. All you have to do is to lie down and relax your body and mind. You should concentrate only on your breathing. Take a deep breath and try to concentrate on the way your chests are filling with the air. Then, try to exhale and feel how the chests deflate.

If you want to experience the full benefits of these exercises, you must practice each exercise for about 10 minutes.

Remember that improving the mental focus and concentration is not an overnight event. It is a gradual process that requires deduction and practice.