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Fifa 16 All Crossing Tutorial

You should releasized that crossing on FIFA 16 is more overpowered and you need to master the certain technique to score every time. We are all new players of FIFA 16, we need more guides to the game. So here it is, the all type of crossing tutorial.

The standard cross is by far the most OP and there's a little trick to this that not a lot of players would have discovered as it's quite unique in it's own little way. You basically have to put around three bars of power into your cross and you can look at the power gauge in the bottom right or left corner next to the players name who you're crossing the ball with.

The are that you will want to aim and direct your normal cross into will be the back post a couple of yards away from the opposition goalkeeper. For some weird reason the goalkeepers do not come to claim these balls and the defenders almost never get their head on it to clear the danger away from their penalty area. Always aim for the back post and as for the controls you'll want to do a rainbow effect with the left-analogue stick to alter the direction of the cross and put some swerve on it.

As for the ever present and powerful near-post cross, this is to be used mainly when you have a counter attack going or there's not as many opposition defenders in the box. For the controls you simply have to double tap the crpss button. Now all you have to remember with the near-post cross is you should always face the player you are going to whip the ball into.

In order to perform the along the ground cross, which is effective when used correctly, you must triple tap the cross button. You should only use this when the attacker is either in front but still onside, or about to get in front of his centre-backs. If this scenario plays out then your striker will not miss the opportunity and you'll score a goal every single time without fail.

One of the benefits of the cross along the ground is it's the fastest type of cross and gets to the attacker nice and quick because the winger will put lots of pace on the ball.

Rememer all these cross technique and FIFA 16 Coin get your balls into the box in FIFA 16. Have fun!