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Zygors Guide VS Dugis Guide - Which Is The Better Wow Leveling Guide

One question that I keep getting asked from my subscriber base is which is the best wow leveling guide. In my opinion and experience there are only two guides worth considering and one gets a marginal vote of favor from me (although very marginal).

The leveling guides I recommend to my subscriber base are Zygors Guide and Dugis Guide. Both of these leveling guides are in game leveling guides that have earned high credibility, have a huge fan base of loyal followers and customers and both are recognized and accepted by Blizzard.

Just for the record, Blizzard never really gave any in game guide the green light but is tolerant of well scripted guides that offer value to the Blizzard customers. Not all guides are as reputable and if you're thinking of using another guide then do some research first on the guide, ask people in your favorite WoW forum if they have had any experience with the guide.

Zygors Guide VS Dugis Guide

Both the Dugis and Zygors Guides have a familiar system for leveling you from level 1-85 in the fastest time possible. Both are in-game guides meaning you'll operate the guide from within the actual game with on screen prompts displayed in dialogue window.

Both guides also include a built in way-point arrow system that guides you to each new quest, the guides are also programmed to calculate the quickest and most efficient route possible for solo questing even if you're already say a level 20 player, the guides will work out your current level and quests completed, missed e.t.c and automatically update there-selves!

As you can see at the moment it's hard to differentiate between the two although both guides do have there own advantages which we'll discuss in a moment.

If I were to pick which guide offered the fastest leveling route I would say that Zygors Guide has the slight advantage over Dugis Guide, although a close call again. The next major factor with leveling guides is how efficient they run, here I would say that Dugis Guide has the slight advantage as I experienced less glitches. Again both guides are very reliable and it's a close call.

Benefits Zygors Guide

  • Profession Leveling Guide For Archeology
  • Profession Leveling Guide Inscription
  • Guild Leveling guide
  • Gold Guide for the Auction Houses
  • Talent helper to help you assign talents for your build

Benefits of Dugis Guide

  • Full Seasonal events guide - 12 separate guides
  • List of fun and effective macros for all classes
  • Talent helper to help you assign talents for your build
  • PVP Guides
  • In-game gold guide

So Zygors Guide OR Dugis Guide

To be honest there really isn't much between the two guides and will probably be a case of personal preference. Zygors Guide has sold the most units and is more known but I personally have tested both in-game guides and I prefer Dugis Guide.


Firstly the in-game talent guide is slightly better, the in-game gold guide is also slightly better and Dugis guide offers a seasonal events guide as well as a PvP talents and tactics guide. It's literally the extras that swung it for me and I found all Dugis Guide extras to be extremely helpful, especially the in-game talent guide and PvP guide.

What I can say though is that Dugis guide is slightly more complex than Zygors Guide and also takes up a bit more room on your display monitor, like I said it's really a case of personal preference. However if you're venturing into PvP or looking to advance your skills in PvP then Dugis guide is a wise choice.

Both get a 9/10 from me.