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World Of Warcraft: Events In This Month

released new two events in May. According to the offical site, the war against the Iron Horde marches on, and the battle will be advancing into Tanaan Jungle in Patch 6.2—now available on the Public Test Realm. This patch has introduced many new featrues and changes which make players excited. As for more details about the latest patch, you can head on over to. You can also feel free to buy WoW items you need in the game.

We can learn that there will be two in-game events in May: Children’s Week [April 27 – May 4] and Darkmoon Faire [May 3 – May 10]. Definitely, another race, the Darkmoon Faire race is coming. The Wanderluster is the new mount this time around, with an additional achievement: Darkmoon Like the Wind.

Besides, there will be a few World of Warcraft Arena tournaments to keep tabs on: GCDTV(US: every Friday and Saturday at 9 p.m. EST / 6 p.m. PST / 3 a.m. CET), ProGameX(May 2 at 11 a.m. PST / 2 p.m. EST / 7 p.m. CET), ArenaMonster Opens 3v3 Tournament(May 17 at 5 PM Pacific / 8 PM Eastern / 2 AM Central Europe),and Gamers League 3v3 Arena Tournament(Saturday, May 30 and Sunday, May 31). You can visit their official blog to learn more about the details. Here we would like share with you a reliable site for wow gold challenge mode buy, where you can purchase challenge mode power leveling faster and cheaper!

What's more, this post also reviews May in World of Warcraft History. In May of 2007, Patch 2.1 introduced The Black Temple, one of the most iconic raids in The Burning Crusade expansion.

In the end, Blizzard shares their favorite responeses from the "10 Things Every Player Should Know About World of Warcraft" on Twitter. If they could share just one thing all players should know about World of Warcraft, what would it be? Heres list of 10.

Today’s newbies are tomorrow’s Mythic Raiders, so treat’em with respect and help teach them. —Foxy 2.0

There are about a million ways to play, it’s not as linear as it might appear. Adventure, and find good people to do so with. —Lumberjack Mike

Don’t stand in the fire. —Brandon S.

Everything you put into the game is what you’ll get out. Put in negative energy, words, attitude etc., that is what you’ll get out. —Jessica P.

WoW is playing with friends you just haven’t met yet! —Lunami

It’s just a game!! —Megacode

Learn and play the game at your own pace so you can enjoy it. —Will R.

Try out everything that WoW has to offer, you will find something you enjoy. —Soulbearer Malygos

Pet battles are awesome. —Ginger

We were all noobs in the beginning. —Chibi Keni

What is your opinion about World of Warcraft? Do you agree with them? More news about WoW and buying cheap WoW gears, keep close here! We are looking forward to more new changes and features avaialble in the future.