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Remove Some Of The RS Worlds

Not an amused idea for Runescape teams. This is from a rs player, who has been retired from the game for a good long time but recently come back after so long. To his surprise when he explored the world and minigames he ever knew, he was disappointed. He want to say something about the Runescape. Here is what he said.

I first visited Pest Control, only one server had people in it, but only enough to fill the veteran boat twice over and nothing else. When I quit, Pest Control was flooded with players. Every square of the docks had people standing on them and every boat level was occupied. Now I'm barely able to get a few people to fill the boat to the max and get us into a match without waiting several minutes. What happened?

I visited Soul Wars next. Both servers were empty, save for a couple people in one world, but there wasn't even enough to get a single match going. I remembered a time when Soul Wars was so overpopulated that my game often suffered FPS lag in denser areas. There were even clans made to try and regulate which team wins, and conflicts in those scenarios were always intense. Nowadays, it seems you will be lucky to get just the amount of people needed to get one match started.

Castle Wars and Stealing Creation didn't fare any better. Finally, with grim anticipation, I revisited the dungeoneering worlds. Dungeoneering is still my most enjoyable skill to train, with the constant randomness of the dungeons to keep the content fresh. Like before, these worlds were almost completely empty. Only one world had a couple dozen people if that.

Before I retired, Daemonheim was loaded with players and the chat was always spammed with"F#". Clans were designed around dungeoneering dedicated to both powerleveling and relaxed fun with friends. The one chat I'm still a part of is broken now, the last couple players still in there are doing other things.

The only problem I can think RS Gold of behind this occurrence is that Jagex has spread their game across a wide variety of servers, but vastly underestimated their community. This resulted in the playerbase being spread incredibly thin. A hundred players here, a couple hundred there, another couple hundred everywhere.

As the community dwindles, we need to consider compacting some of these worlds to make them more populated. We have way too many servers, but not enough players to occupy them. We need to consider removing a few more worlds to encourage players to group together more.

Maybe it is old, but kind of a good RuneScape gold idea for Runescape teams to think about.