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Call Of Duty, Just Slap On A Year On Your Games Already: Cod 2012

Call of duty, a name that we have heard through the course of our daily lives. Even for those who aren't huge game fanatics have heard of this name one way or another. To be honest, how can you not know about this game? IT IS ALL OVER THE FREAKIN PLACE (I digress I promise you) s. I know many people are wondering..."Why do they keep releasing what seems to be the same game every year?" The truth is, we the gamers often wonder the same thing as well. The only real reason we keep buying this game year after year is only because of our other friends who aren't into games like that but want something that is well known. Heck, I even went as far to make a joke about it a few months back.

Me and my friends were having a chat on Xbox Live guessed it...Call of Duty. This conversation took place during the summer in which the Modern Warfare 3 trailers were coming out, looking drop dead beautiful and really hyped us up to want to play this game. Of course, my friends bragged about how they are going to do this and that in the game because they were really excited about it. For those who were wondering, we were playing Black-Ops at the time we discussed this (the last real time I remember us consistently playing Call of Duty a few times out the week.). I threw out a joke mentioning that "Why haven't they just slapped a year on Call of Duty like the Madden series does for their games?". My friends laughed and agreed with me, only because it was the truth.

Most of my friends thought (and I'm sure some people that you deal with) that Call of Duty originated on the consoles, which is very much so.. false. Call of Duty originated on the PC, where it was a VERY popular game at the time. If You had a PC, you were all up in some Call of Duty (I am somewhat a PC gamer. I didn't have the kind of PC to run it then so I could only watch videos of people playing it). But as Activison wanted to try their hand in the console market, It seems like every year PC gamers (the ones who built thier fanbase) are now getting shafted with crappy official Servers and close to non-existant service.

There is a saying that goes "if it isn't broke, don't fix it." In most cases this is very true, but in Modern Warfare 3, oh this can be proven to be very wrong. It was reported roughly a month and some change ago that that Modern Warfare 3 sales are plummeting in the market. To give you an idea, they have sold less than half the amount of copies during the holiday season as opposed to Black Ops selling at the previous Holiday Season. What is Activision's response to fixing the problem? Oh just releasing more DLC maps like nothing happened. With that I say, wonderful job Actvision and I say this with the upmost confidence that you care about the gamers still (Sarcasm turned up high). Personally there are so many better shooters out there, I just don't understand why these good games are going unnoticed.

My opinion on Call of Duty's Yearly releases:

To me, I personally don't see why we are buying virtually the same product every year. Heck, the only real reason that I buy it so I can "play with friends" who don't know anything else past what is popular with everyone. Now I know Black Ops has people with mixed emotions, but you can't deny Treyarch's attempt of innovation (Examples: Wager matches, Diving, Custom Emblems, Emblems AND clan tags on your guns, etc). To me that's worth my 60 dollars opposed to something that only hyped us up for the same game we played 2 years ago.