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World Of Warcraft Human Paladin Leveling Guide

Here's a basic World of Warcraft human paladin leveling guide to get you started on your adventures in Azeroth.  These five tips include level, guild, and spec advice you might find helpful as you start questing.

1. Get to level 20.

At level 20, you'll really be able to start delving more deeply into the spec you choose.  The retribution talent tree is best for paladin leveling because it does the most DPS.  As you continue leveilng, you want to kill mobs as fast as possible,a nd ret lets you do so.

The downside of ret is that if you want to instance, you may have to wait longer for queues because there are so many ret paladins.  However, Blizzard is working on coming up wtih soltuions to this problem, so it may improve in the future.

2. Go through the guided leveling zones.

As you will see in your quest log and on your map, the game has a built-in quest tracker that makes it easy to figure out what zone you'll need to go to next in order to get appropriate quests.  If you find at any point you're bored with your current zone, you can usually go to another one on the other continent (eithe rKalimdor or Eastern Kingdoms) while you're leveling 1-60.

From 60-70 you'll head to Outland; 70-80 is Northrend content.  And finally, you'll see the new Cataclysm zones once you hit 80 and can venture forth into them.

3. Group up or join a guild.

To make it super easy to blast through quests, you can join a leveling guild or a guild with a lot of players who are also leveling alts or lowbies.  Then you can find people to quest with, which usually makes the process a lot faster and more fun.

However, grouping is optional; the game is entirely able to be played solo as well, so it all depends on your personal playstyle.

4. Try instancing.

When you get bored with questing, give instances a shot.  You'll simply need to find the dungeon finder on your toolbar and then select the appropriate instance.  Be sure to select your proper role, and learn to play your class and spec as well as you can in a group.  This way you'll make friends and be invited to more instances with them later on.

5. Create a bank alt. 

It's wise to get another alt for sending stuff you don't need to.  Otherwise you'll have inventory problems later on that will get annoying.  Having a cluttered inventory is only a distraction from questing, so make a low level toon you can send excess materials to. 

Ultimately, the best world of warcraft paladin leveling guide is simple: go through the zones, enjoy the game, and learn to play the spec you choose as well as possible.  If you follow that, you'll easily make it to level 85.