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The Best Madden Ever? I Think So!

Every year around the first of August all football game fans get overly excited for this game to drop. That's right "its in the game"! Madden is back in this new edition of Madden 12, we as gamers get to see what one of the best franchises in gaming history can keep us addicted to until next August and they seem to always come through.

As you first peel off the plastic you will notice the cover athlete Peyton Hillis is on there because of a fan voted tournament that landed him there, and unfortunately he got struck by the Madden curse. As you pop the game in and actually fire it up and select a game mode you can see that the presentation is fantastic. Players look like actual players, they celebrate similarly, the stadiums are spot on, and the graphics are amazing, EA really did well with everything here.

Now we can dive right into the game play, for all of us that have played it is about the same so I won't spend a lot of time on it. You don't get mulligans anymore which was never realistic at all, but you get defensive assist which allows you to relax on D but you miss out on. You can't setup a defensive game plan, lay big hits, or make game changing picks!

Now here is where the bread and butter is, yep you guessed it the game modes. Play now is just what it says, exhibition or Superbowl. Superbowl gives you what you get after the Superbowl, the trophy, a parade, and the white house. Then you have Superstar mode which everyone loves, create your player at any position and play as only that player and it has a new progression system and how you play impacts everything! Franchise is awesome with new tweaks like injured reserve, moving your team, and even trading draft picks for players. Raider fans keep those picks!

Then we have in my opinion the best two modes in the game. Madden Moments Live is awesome, You get 5 of the best 2011 moments to replay, and then 2-3 moments each week throughout the season up to the Superbowl! I enjoyed complementing them all. My new addiction is the MUT (Madden Ultimate Team) it takes me back to the trading cards day. You get a starter pack of players, then earn coins and purchase new packs for new players, trade cards, auction off cards, and complete collections. This is where I loved the game and I am still playing this mode right now.

In all this game is simply fun! It is everything I want in Madden and I love it as I have the others and it will continue to keep my busy until next year, and you can bet you will see another review. I hope this helped if you were on the fence about the game, however if you enjoy Madden in previous years just buy it and you won't be disappointed and remember almost everything you want is "In the game!"