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The 7 Signs Of Irresponsible Gaming

When playing casino games online or in land-based casinos become too much, this spells a warning sign. Know the signs of irresponsible gaming.

Spends more time in gambling

A clear indication of a gambling problem is when a person spends a considerable amount of time playing.

A thin line separates a mere diversion from addiction. For those who merely see it as a form of diversion, an hour or two is enough. Those who have a problem, however, requires more time.

There is a need or a craving that they must satisfy and this is something that cannot be addressed in one sitting. The more they enjoy the game, the longer they stay, disregarding the fact that they have other obligations to attend.

Neglects personal activities

Speaking of obligations, problem gamblers tend to neglect their personal activities. They barely eat on time. They hardly get enough sleep. Some of them cannot even pay attention to their personal hygiene.

Most of the times, they feel that playing is more important than their personal well-being.

Becomes secretive

Players who are slowly falling into addiction become secretive of their activities. They do not like to be monitored and they become upset when they are confronted.

In order to avoid (troubles), these people become too secretive. They started to make up stories or scenarios to hide what they have been doing.

Unconsciously, problem gamblers fear that their activities will be stopped or thwarted. But there are others who are secretive only because of shame and guilt. Somehow, they are concerned on how it will affect their families and closest kins.


When confronted, problem gamblers are often in a state of denial. Refusing to accept their current conditions, they will argue and try to justify their situation.

Oftentimes, they would defend themselves via saying that they are simply having a good time.

Sell things

Selling personal belongings raises the red flag. This is most especially true if done by someone who is known for having sufficient financial resources.

Use someone else’s money

To support their activities, problem gamblers have the tendency to use someone else’s money.

Moody or cranky

Those who have gambling issues often go through emotional stresses. This is most especially true if they are unable to play.

Should the above-mentioned signs show up, assistance and help must be duly given. Playing games—as long as they remain as a diversion. Yet, if things go out of hand and cannot be controlled, immediate actions must be given at once.