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Why Should You Buy Diablo 3

So you ask yourself, will this game bring me the hours of fun that I am told it will, is it even worth trying? No one can tell you that they are 100% positive you will fall in love with this game, but you can read what there is to be said about it by someone who has played it. Diablo 3 is the latest release from blizzard in one of their most popular games. Some of the die-hard fans were waiting for this game to be released for ten years, ten years people were on their web site asking when it was going to be finished.

This release of the game changed the land of Tristram, and broke the mold of the Diablo series. Instead of having to fully build your own char points or try to figure out which spells will do the most damage, it is done pretty much for you, with you choosing which spells you like, rather than having to build them up from scratch than realizing you messed up and now your character is ruined. Like the other two before it though, it is all about the gear, and with that comes farming for gear. It can get pretty boring having to go back threw the same levels and difficulty once you reach that level 60 cap, but you do still continue to gain paragons which help you find magical items. It also does help that Diablo 3 has 4 levels of difficulty unlike the normal three.

What I also found that I liked was the fact that they started making it for other platforms as well rather than just for the PC. Starting out on the PC gave the feeling that you were continuing on a adventure that you had previously thought you finished, and they were adding new content regularly to fix bugs and make the game more involved. The real money/gold auction was a idea they had, messing around on it a little bit it was possible to actually sell things and get real money for it, but you had to find willing buyers. They now are getting rid of that as of March 18, 2014, just in time for the expansion on March 25, 2014 called Reaper of Souls.

When Diablo 3 came out for the console systems I was in line at the store that night after work buying my copy for the Xbox 360, having already played it on the PC. It was the same basic game play, as in the same story line and feel/attributes of the characters you played. Your stash and inventory are completely different, and I had noticed right way that there was better and more drops and gold was a lot easier to accumulate. Unfortunately I have not played the PlayStation 3 version of it, but i can guess it is the same as the Xbox version just different paddles and button layout. Playing the Xbox 360 version was a lot easier, due to the fact there are less buttons to push to mess you up and you do not have to take your hand from one side of a keyboard to the other.

All in all both versions that I have played kept my interest and still do, and I am looking forward to the release of the expansion, hoping they release one for the Xbox in post hast. Thank you for taking your time reading this and I hope it has helped someone think about this game.