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Model Of Games Being Important For Players

London and South Korean online ZERA SUN have adopted this model, indicating that this is the future trend of online games. Players are tired of tedious games the past pattern has brought a sense of need to be more the new online mode. More and more players are attracted by the mode to buy guild wars 2 gold to enjoy the game. Why GW's picture could be so gorgeous and other online games can not be done before it? Because GW is used to leave the town alone copy, so the task, in addition to show his teammates, NPC will not read the other players outside information.

So much the liberation of the bandwidth than the previous game company can not produce high-quality, but because the other players at any time to read large amounts of data caused by too much information, like Lineage 2 and WOW, another NB machines will be in the same person for a long time card, which is a network problem. It is unable to meet the current network load, and tasks in addition to GW 8 teammates, other players will not show. So they can be assured of the screen and console games made of the same gorgeous card without causing the phenomenon.

We play games and people attach great importance to the strength level, then left to play MMORPG habit, but now it is necessary to change the concept. GW revolutionary set so that we may not really understand their own again. The full level is not too little. So, the sales of guild wars 2 gold will increase a lot. Before the traditional class is the first MMORPG, and now GW is completely different, simply set the 20 GW just to make RPG players to experience the pleasure fills an upgrade from the system.

They can give up a level. Because GW character and level of skills and equipment are separate, that our traditional understanding of GW can upgrade the skills and equipment for the collection, a total of nearly 2000 fighting skills and almost unlimited random props property system. These are the people decide the difference, and class has nothing to do. The players are stimulated to buy GW2 gold to enjoy the game. In theory, a person can have all the skills and equipment, 20 people just a little more than just Gorefiend. 2 in the end what kind of job the most? Strictly speaking, the previous games, you can separate a strength.

But GW was completely broken now, first with 8 GW figures only fighting skills, and skills of close to 2000 total, and this 2000 gaming skills but also skills and previous not the same. They are to each other with portable, coupled with the professional skills of systems and equipment has different differences. You simply can not find in the end is the strongest, so the battle is only for your character, not the strongest.