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Easy Ways To Protect Your World Of Warcraft Account

World of Warcraft has become huge. Its popularity has grown to over 10.3 million players and is still growing daily. With this popularity come the thieves and hackers. There isn’t any shortfall of individuals who won't stop trying to hack you and rob your account of all your prized gear and hard earned gold. They use all sorts of tactics to get into your account from e-mails that look like official Blizzard content to try and get you to click on a link that will bring you to a page where you are asked to resubmit your user IDs, e-mail and password to verify them. All this does is giving them the information they need to access your account and hack you. Time to restore your account...

While having your World of Warcraft account hacked is not the end of the world nor is it permanent, the inconvenience of losing precious game time while a Game Master restores your account. This can take a couple days, sometimes longer. Anyone who's ever played World of Warcraft knows that having to contact a game master to restore your account is a royal pain in the ass. You can avoid some of these dangers with the following advice:

Protect your e-mail address:

When a hacker has your e-mail address, it is quite possibly the easiest way he will gain access to your World of Warcraft account. Quite a few people use hosts that are free such as gmx, mail or hotmail for their e-mail needs. Unfortunately this is where the phishing scams come in. This is where thieves and hackers masquerade as a trustworthy place of business. So the moral of this story is to never give out your e-mail address to anyone in the game - ever. World of Warcraft gold is worth a lot to the hackers. It's a multimillion dollar industry just steal your account.

The best way to combat an e-mail that you think may be authentic from battlenet, which is Blizzards official contact site, is to go directly to battlenet yourself. Never click on a link that you see in an email, even if it looks official. Seriously, go directly to their main website and research if there really is a problem with your account first. I can't reiterate this enough. Keep your email private!

Passwords should be changed frequently:

This is good advice in ALL things to do on the internet, but it is especially important for your World of Warcraft account. It only takes time, yes time, for a hacker to get your password right and in he goes! Of course it's a pain in the ass to change your passwords constantly, but it's also no fun to have to call a game master at World of Warcraft to restore your account. You don't have to change your passwords on a daily basis or even on a weekly basis, but you should consider changing it at least once a month. Another very important thing to keep in mind is never use the same password you use for your World of Warcraft account and your e-mail account. You will more than double your risk of being hacked then. It's like handing that hacker the keys to the castle, and then you know what? Time to restore your account.

World of Warcraft official authenticator:

This is probably the most effective deterrent you can get against hackers for your World of Warcraft account. It cost less than seven dollars for you to link an authenticator to your World of Warcraft account, as an extra precaution to keep hackers little fingers out so that you don't end up having to restore your account. This will increase your account security with World of Warcraft dramatically. There are now options for dial up authenticator apps for smart phones instead of the little authenticator that most people are used to, where you push a button for a six digit code that you must enter in order to log into your account. These numbers change approximately every 30 seconds or so and make it very difficult for any hacker to track or hack. You use this authenticator code on top of your user ID and password.

If you follow these simple rules, and are diligent about them, your WoW account should be safe and secure for your entire game play experience.