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Concerns With The Elder Scrolls Online

Newsflash: The beloved Elder Scrolls series is transforming into an MMO. That is Massive Multiplayer Online for those who don’t know. This is a much anticipated change for fans of the series and a concern for others. In development by ZeriMax Online Studios, this new game is said to provide heroes the chance to truly explore the content with others.

Great… Another MMO Clone!

Some fear that this game is going to be just like all the rest. More spamming number keys to cast spells and the same regurgitated gameplay within others like it. With another company being part of the development, the panic rises even more. However, some are calmed in knowing that Paul Sage, a diehard fan of The Elder Scrolls series and many other games is in the seat for development. Through an interview he was able to give away some very vague information into how this game is going to be once released. He has made mention of the mechanics likely to be incorporated into the game and assures to keep the lore and gameplay in the players best interest.

Sword out and bloodthirsty, I am ready for some PVP!

With all MMOS, there is going to be some incorporation of PVP. Unlike any other MMO out there, The Elder Scrolls Online is dead set on having 3 alliances rather than 2. There has always been a concept of war within the series and provides a great platform for some hardcore one on one slaughtering. Due to this, the developers want to bring the war to the players to establish alliances and sense of belonging to said side. The inclusion of 3 alliances is said to helped with load balancing. While this may be hard to develop and put a strain on the creators, they feel this will prove good for the game. If one alliance becomes too powerful, the remaining two may form a common goal. That goal being, overthrow the power! The two alliances may than gang up on the other alliance and put their claim to excellence to the test. In addition, the entire alliance will benefit over a PVP takedown. Meaning, if a player part of said alliance does not partake in the battle but wins, they too shall have claim to the same rewards.

I suck at PVP, what about PVE?

When tackling the outcome of what to expect in the PVE aspect of the game, there is much to be discussed. This game series has always been focused on the hero and some worry that they cannot achieve that through being the one true hero in competition with others. It has been mentioned that everyone will feel like a hero and be treated as one via interaction with NPCS. To add, within group play a healer will feel like the hero of the group or mission when saving the tank from that one critical blow. There has always been a huge level of interactivity within this series as well and there are many thoughts of implementing as much of this as possible without over throwing the economy. For example, barrels to click on in towns with rewards. Do not fear of the game being true to lore or getting too gamey just yet. There will of course be rewards for the players but there has been mention to avoid cheesiness.

What about dungeons and end game?

Though a level cap hasn’t been disclosed as of yet, there has been made mention of mechanics favored for incorporation. Be prepared for Public Dungeons and Heroic Modes. Public dungeons are comparable to games such as Everquest where it is an open world raid and anyone can enter the zone, unlike WoW’s instanced versions. The developers feel that this will drive sociability and allow strangers to prove themselves to alliances. Along with public dungeons there will be inclusion of heroic modes which, in that sense, may be instanced because they will be much more difficult than a normal zone. There is very little mention of end game but a promise that the rewards will be phenomenal and not cheesy.

Still in development, there are many features mentioned that could change in the released version. The announcement trailer also leaves us rather blind. Fortunately, we have been given some tidbits of information that can at the very least provide us with some insight. Do I feel this will be just another Cheesy MMO? I feel it is too soon to tell. Nevertheless, I can say that I am hopeful of this game. Though not a loyal fan of the previous games, I look forward to trying this out.