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The Top Rated Flying Airplane Games

Over the past decade flying airplane games have really taken off, literally, to new heights. It all started with the golden child – Microsoft’s Flight Simulator back in the early 90’s. Today flying games continue to grow into something special, but with that comes uncertainty. With so many games to choose from which ones are worth your while?

When you are looking at flying airplane games it is really hard to pass up Microsoft’s Flight Simulator. The franchise has been around since the early 90’s and has continued to evolve with each new release ever since. The only complaint with the series is the latest version – Flight Simulator X is the last installment of the series; at least for the foreseeable future as said by Microsoft. Also you need a fairly intense computer to run the game with maximum detail which can be troublesome for some users with older computers.

Now most people are only familiar with Microsoft’s Flight Simulator and aren’t even aware of others that are out there. That is a shame because there are plenty of other great flying airplane games just waiting for you.

Another high quality game, one that holds a special place in my heart, is X-Plane. The game models the exact physics of real flight. It was developed by an Aerospace Engineering student at Iowa State University (my alma matter)! This game has made some serious noise. Due to its impeccable realism it has been granted the honor of being an approved flight simulator/training device by the FAA. If realism is what you want than X-Plane is where it’s at.

Just recently there have been new breeds of flying airplane games that have been working hard to gain recognition. One of which is Pro Flight Simulator. What is special about this game is it uses real world satellite imagery of the earth in the game. So when you fly above your town you will have a bird’s eye view of it just like in real life. This is very unique and cannot be found in the other games mentioned above.

The above mentioned flying airplane games are just a couple of the most popular available today. In choosing a game it all comes down to what you are looking for. Some people like realism more than others. If so than X-Plane is the way to go, but for others Microsoft’s Flight Simulator may be a better choice.

However, if you are looking for a very good flight simulation game online than I reccommend Pro Flight Simulator as it has unique features not found in other games.