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Where In The World Is The Gibbering Gemstone?!

I have been playing Diablo 3 for weeks now. I made my way through the original story line on Normal Mode and have just completed Nightmare Mode. However, nothing that Nightmare offered me is as challenging as my quest for the Staff of Herding!

You've all heard about the secret cow level right? Well scratch that, because it doesn't exist! However... There is a secret place filled with unicorns and rainbows, sunshine and happiness, teddy bears and flowers.

But how does one find this unbelievable place of magic? Presenting the Staff of Herding, a staff that has had me busy for the last 4 days or more, I'm not sure. I think I have lost track of the days at this point.

While finding all of the pieces to get this staff crafted, it wasn't hard to get the 150,000 gold I needed to create the staff in the first place. I must have ran Fields of Slaughter over 200 times. I just kept resetting and resetting over and over again to find the Caverns of Frost. Than upon finding the Caverns of Frost and searching relentlessly, I couldn't find Chiltara, the unique monster that drops the Gibbering Gemstone.

I searched frantically through the Caverns, checking every detail and every corner, praying and hoping, fingers crossed, for Chiltara to show himself. I than looked through forums and searched handy dandy google to find any tips or tricks to help me keep my sanity and find him. While I could not keep my sanity, I did learn that Chiltara can spawn from the ground up, meaning that you need to talk over ever area you possibly can, because you may not see him at first glance.

That was helpful. However, I started noticing a pattern as I continued running the Caverns of Frost over and over again. There was always a rare yellow mob and a Resplendent Chest. I began to get discouraged, wondering if these were placeholders for Chiltara.

Regardless, I continued to search and search for this horrible rare spawn.

Eventually, I came to a point where I was just droopy eyed and tired of farming, I was ready to give up for the night. I clicked my way along the walls mindlessly and there I found a little crevice with one monster standing there.

It was Chiltara! Funny how when you are just about to give up, there is always something that happens to bring you back. I quickly killed him and took off with my gemstone and headed to find the rest of the pieces.

It turned out that the rest of the pieces would take just as long. After going through all the guides and forums online searching, I decided to create my own guide to The Staff of Herding to help cut out all of the extra searching.

Now I can prance around all day in Whimsyshire having finally gotten all the pieces. I have to be honest though, it was extremely frustrating, particularly Chiltara.