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Archeage Evolution Transfer

Today is the day – the transfers acquire opened! For advice on how to administer for a transfer, apprehend on!

If you are a amateur who is impacted by the Evolution and aloof in blockage on your server, you may administer for a ancient alteration of your characters to a non-Evolution afflicted server on your region. These transfers are actually free, but they’ll alone be accessible for a bound time!

You may administer to alteration amid August 25, 2015 and September 4, 2015. Alteration requests will be taken on a first-come, first-served basis, and we may absolute the bulk of transfers we acquire to high-population servers based on appeal and band balance.

If you are interested in applying for one of these transfers, your character must meet the following requirements before you apply:

Your character must be on a server affected by the Evolution.

You may not possess over 200,000 gold.

You will no longer be a member of a family or a guild after the transfer.

You cannot have any marketplace mail or in-game mail.

You may not have any items listed on the Auction House.

You cannot own any land.

You cannot have a dry dock under construction.

Your character cannot be queued for deletion.

Please ensure all of your summonable vehicles and ship components are repaired.

Your character must be level 10 or above.

You can only transfer everything in your inventory, warehouse, and equipped to your character. If you have more items that cannot fit in this amount of space, we recommend sending those items to your alternate characters and then transferring them to the same server. Players with storage chests will have to unpack their chests if they wish to transfer. We know this is a major pain point for everyone involved, but we were unfortunately unable to find a workable solution to this issue within the architecture of the game.

Known Issue: You may not have 6 characters all on the same server. If you do, you will not be able to transfer. Delete one character and then attempt to transfer.

If you meet all of the requirements, make sure to log your character off and head to transfer page to sign up!

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