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Capcom Under Pressure From Negative Press

Well.. Capcom can't seem to catch a break these days. With all the negative press surrounding the 25th Anniversary collection and now the new patch that was suppose to cure Cross Tekken's Bugs, it only seems like their days are numbered. It makes one wonder if we even should be looking forward to Resident Evil 6 due to all of this kind of press happening.

For those who don't understand whats going on, let me start with the 1.04 system patch that was released to the Playstation and Xbox consoles not too long ago. The original plan for the game patch was to simply fix the infinities and other glitches such as the sound going out at random times or the texture issues. Alright, so with this new patch, it pretty much fixed all of that. However, while most of the bugs and glitches from the previous version were fixed, a new game breaking bug has appeared on the scene (and yes, this is worst then Raven's Light Punch Infinite).

Basically, Rolento gets this amazing ability to where he throws his knife at any type of projectile attack and will freeze the entire game up. So that means.. whenever the shoto-type characters or anyone with a type of projectile offline or online, you are basically screwed. Other people are saying that Ibuki has the same glitch but it hasn't been confirmed as of yet. So that leaves you with a broken game that "originally" scored very high on various gaming websites because most of them are not fighting game players. I guess the same could of been said about me a few months ago before I seriously got into it.

But oh, this rant doesn't stop there, because Capcom is releasing their 25th anniversary package to celebrate all the years of Street Fighter being around. Now, one should be happy about that right? I would...if only they didn't repackage most of the games we already have right now. The Package is suppose to come with super street fighter 4: arcade edition, street fighter x Tekken, street fighter third strike online edition, and street fighter 2 HD edition. Wonderful.. I get 3 amazing games that are already out and 1 broken game that still baffles me on how Tekken has anything to do with street fighter. I used to recall a time the last time they did a celebration that Capcom actually did it up right for the fans in the ps2 era, but that's neither here or there.

Final comments of the press attack on Capcom:

Capcom, you need to go back to what made your company money in the first place. Go back to making quality games and not charge everyone a arm, a leg, and half your soul for DLC that should already be in a game. I understand full and well you need to pay your employee's salaries.. but you won't have much of a payroll if you continue doing what your doing now. People are growing weary of your game titles, and even have people wondering if Resident Evil 6 will suffer the same fate this year. All that I can say is go back to making games that your fans will enjoy. I mean.. Namco already made it clear that no DLC is touching Tekken Tag Tournament 2. They will be pulling your business away if you don't do something fast.