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Frost Mage Leveling In Cataclysm

The frost mage has been the early on favorite for leveling in World of Warcraft Cataclysm. This is mainly due to the survivability of the frost build as well as it being very easy to play.

Changes in the Mage trees have made some talent points available early on that make frost a very powerful choice.

Cloth wearing classes with no healing abilities such as the Mage class rely on seperation from their target in order to stay alive and continue leveling at a rapid pace.

I am sure you have heard it said before but, it bares repeating here...

Dying is the fastest way to slow leveling down to the slowest rate possible. This is because the time it takes to constantly have to run back from a graveyard spawn point to where you died is completely lost leveling time.

Abilities offered by the frost tree like the snaring ability of frost bolt and certainly frost nova offer a mage the ability to maintain critical seperation from their targets.

Of course all mages have nice things built into the class like the ability to make their own food and drink for health and mana regeneration. While other classes often times have to stop questing and leveling to go find somewhere to buy more food and drink, the mage can conjure up more and keep on rolling.

The mage has long been considered one of the easiest classes to level quickly in World of Warcraft because they are very easy for even the new player to learn and become proficient playing.

At early levels even a frost mage will only have Fire Bolt as an attack spell. this should be replaced with Frost Bolt as soon as you train for it because, the Frost Bolt costs less mana to cast and adds a snaring affect to your target that will immediately slow down their movement speed.

It may sound strange but wihle leveling as a frost mage you will still continue to use Fire Blast at low levels. This is because it is an instant cast spell that deals a fair amount of damage.

You will also be using Missle Barrage at early levels whenever it becomes available because it deals a fair amount of damage as well as having no mana cost.

The biggest key to leveling as with any class is the choice of the right Frost Mage leveling build.

Many people will simply go looking for a level 85 build without considering the proper order in which talent points need to be assigned. having the right talents at low levels is just as important as having the best final Frost Mage leveling build.