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Why I Won’t Be Playing On The Eso Release Date

Let's face it, it’s kind of assumed that if you care at all about your game of choice, you're going to be saving up for months in advance, ordering as early as possible, and jumping online as soon as the servers open to get all the playtime you can before the servers inevitably crash. But not every gamer is a masochist. Cause that's what jumping online on the ESO release date would be--a bit of hardcore masochism. No, seriously. It'll be like Woodstock, only with more silicon. The folks that get their first will get awesome seats right up front, while the rest crowd in so far back they can't even see, much less hear, the stage, in a field designed to hold only a tenth as many people as show up, and not nearly enough Porta-Potties.

You know, I started writing this meaning to do this "pros and cons of playing on the ESO release date" thing, but the more I think about it, the more I'm think you'd have to be insane to even try. Now, I'm as hardcore a TES fan as the next gamer, and I can't wait to get on and start exploring Tamriel in the age before the Dragon King. But-but! Just how much exploring will I be able to do when I need to wait through a half dozen server crashes before I can even get on.

And when I do get on, there will be thousands of other players, all starting in the exact same areas, killing the same enemies (which only spawn so quickly), gathering the same crafting materials (which also only spawn so quickly), and instead of having un running around and doing stuff, I'll be standing around waiting for the level 1 quest monsters to respawn so I can have my turn to kill them (hopefully before the dozen other players standing around with me get them all.)

Yeah, I can't wait to play ESO, but the key word there is play. So as much as I want to do the MMO equivalent of racing to the top of the hill, looking down at everyone panting their way after me and screaming "FIRST!!!" at the top of my lungs, I'll think I'll practice that patience thing my mom always used to harp on. After all, the game isn't going anywhere. As long as the servers hold out I can play just as easily on the day after the ESO release date, or the day after that, or the week after that. So I'll wait a bit, and get my first of ESO on a relaxing day when the servers are open, the streets of Redguard are empty, and I really go and do whatever I want.

What about you? Are you going to brave the servers on release day? Or kick back with me, laughing at all the idiots commenting about how frustrating it was and how overrun the servers were, while waiting for a more perfect opportunity?