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World Of Warcraft: Cataclysm Worgen Starting Guide

With Blizzard's latest expansion Cataclysm, they have turned their ever popular World of Warcraft franchise upside down. Everything has changed and nothing will ever be the same. There are countless new additions, enough to consider this expansion World of Warcraft II. With all of these changes Blizzard added two new races, Worgen and Goblins. Today I'm going to introduce you to the Alliance's new race, the Worgen.

Worgen are one of two new playable races that Blizzard Introduced with World of Warcraft: Cataclysm. This race belongs to the Alliance Faction, what a twist! This race has numerous classes available to it; Warlock, Priest, Hunter, Warrior, Rogue, Mage, Druid, and even the dreaded Death Knight. The fun part of this race is that they have the unique ability to appear human. The player has the ability to chose (outside of combat mind you) whether they want to appear Worgen or Human to other players, how awesome is that!?

The race has some pretty cool racial abilities that many players will find very useful.

1. Darkflight: Activates your true form, increasing movement speed by 40% for 10 seconds.

2. Viciousness: Increase Critical Strike chance by 1%.

3. Aberration: Gives resistance to both Nature and Shadow damage

4. Flayer: Skinning skill is increased by 15 and allows the player to skin .5 seconds faster.

5. Two Forms: Transforms the player between Worgen and Human cosmetics.

6. Running Wild: Drop to all fours and run! This Ability servers as the class's mount.

Players that chose the Worgen as a starting race will begin their journey in Gilneas. But not immediately. When you first make you're Worgen you'll be placed as a human to start off with and will use this human avatar to complete early quests in the Worgen storyline. When you begin you're goal is to rid your town of invading Worgen (fun, eh?). Eventually you're bitten and turn into a ravenous Worgen yourself!

After you become a Worgen you're story really begins. Blizzard has done an amazing job at adding a sense of variety to their quests. Yes, you'll still be doing the "Kill X amount of this" and "Collect Y amount of that" quests, but all this is done with a sense of urgency, and is well written in to very creatively hide this aspect of the game. What is a nice change of pace is that i found myself very seldomly looking down to track my exp as I had done with sooo many classes before this. Blizzard had done an amazing job at keeping me entertained and not worrying about what level I am. I just played through the story, and man was it an interesting one!

I have compiled a complete guide to the Worgen starting area. You can find it at my website! There you will also find numerous guides on the Goblin Starting Area, Cataclysm Additions, Power Leveling, Gold Grinding, Questing, Dungeon Strategies, and much, much more!