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A Guide To Power Leveling In The World Of Warcraft

I have created a guide to help those in need when it comes to the task of getting that little alt to the end game content. Many people do this and for various reasons. Some do it to kill time, others do it to help their guild fill raid spots, others to it to have a more preferred class for farming. There are a million reasons to want to do it, and I'm sure you already have you're why decided. So let's get down to it - the how. How can I get my alt from level 1 to level 85 in no time? What are the secrets?? To be the best powerleveler you can be I'll provide you with some very easy steps to follow. With these basics you'll have the knowledge to power level any class in no time at all.

With these easy steps you'll be well on your way to playing with that new alt in end game content:

Step One: When you enter a new area, take as many quests as you can fill your little book with. Try really hard to stray away from completing quests one at a time, this can be very wasteful when time is of the essence! Don't go back to the quest hub until each and every quest (within reason) is completed. Remember, we're talking speed here!

Step Two: Soloing can be a great way to plow through content, but keep in mind that a small group can prove to be way more effective in some areas. In the World of Warcraft there are countless groups you can form to fill your needs. Keep a group small, usually under 3 players, any more will start to bog you down. If you can, though I know it will be hard, try to make a Healer, Tank, and DPS party. With this set up you'll be able to bulldoze any content that comes your way. Keep in mind though that this is not always effective. When you feel like the group is starting to hold you back, politely leave and continue on your own until you feel a group will be necessary again.

Step Three: Don't stay in one zone for very long. You don't have to complete all of the quests provided. Some will only hold you back and these ones we want to drop and not worry about. Once you feel like all the quick quests in a zone have been completed from the main hub, move on to the next zone - assuming you're level fits. If not, grind 2 to 3 levels to accommodate where and when you need.

Step Four: When you're power leveling this that lower is better! Green quests will become your best friends for many reasons. They are easy for any class to plow through and you won't waste time dieing and running back and all of that nonsense. If you enter an area where there are only yellow quests see if there is another zone you may have missed, if not - and you probably didn't - grind a few more levels on mobs to make sure those quests are green!

Step Five: Games like World of Warcraft make us pack rats. We want to hold on to anything we may feel is valuable whether it be crafting mats, rare items, cool cosmetics, or quests that offer what at the time may seem like a very valuable reward. When it comes to Power Leveling you MUST drop this habit. Many quests that require what seem like good rewards can be tedious and very time consuming. Drop these immediately! We don't want to waste time on that stuff, we'll out level that shiny quest reward in no time so don't bother with trying to obtain it.

Step Six: Back in the day, the thing to do was grind on mobs. I remember taking my hunter and grinding on just mobs - no quests - from level 1 to 60. It was quick and I got a pretty penny by the end. This tactic is still a fantastic way to level! It is much faster than questing, though questing will not be as boring. Yes, that's right, I said it... grinding is boring. Flat out. I won't try to fluff it up with glitter and sparkles to make it appealing, because in reality, it's not. It is still very effective, however. Just pop on some tunes, change up some areas for new scenery, and chat with friends to make the time pass. With this tactic you'll be level 85 before you know it and you're pockets will be full of gold as well.

Step Seven: Heirlooms. Period. With the introduction of the Wrath of the Lich King, Blizzard decided it was a good idea to make this daunting task of leveling alts easier for us, the players. Man, that was nice of them.

To learn more about Heirlooms, what they are, what they do, and what they are used for, please visit my website! There you will not only find answers to these but a multitude of other answers to any question you may have. I have created guides to help players not waste time learning the ropes like I did but instead be able to jump right into the action! I provide guides on Power Leveling, Gold Grinding, Questing, Dungeons Walkthroughs, Strategies, PvP Tactics, Honor Grinding, and much, much more!