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PlayStation Move : When Sony Copies Nintendo Wii Console

Sony looked at the Nintendo wii from very top when it was launched in late 2006, along with the PlayStation 3.Four years later, Sony introduced a system of motion-sensing game controllers, very similar to that introduced by Nintendo : The PlayStation Move.

The gadget The design of motion controller surprising at the beginning, with its soft plastic ball on the top. The grip is very comfortable howerver. With the test, it is obvious that the Sony system is more precise than the one of Nintendo. Part of the report is that the motion sensing technology has evolved in four years, and that the motion sensors of the Move are more powerful than those of the WiiMote. The other reason for this increased degree of accuracy is the use of the PlayStation Eye camera . The camera tracks the luminous sphere at the top of motion controllers and their combined action ensure that PlayStation 3 “knows” always exactly where the handle is located, even if the latter does not point towards the screen, which is sometimes a problem with the Wii.

Sports Champion The Wii Sports compilation was the first showcase for the Wii. Sony responds (late…) with Champion Sports, a compilation of six mini-games. It included Disc Golf, Gladiator Duel, Beach Volleyball, Archery, Table Tennis and Bocce.Gladiator duel is more interesting. The ax or sword are exactly where you want, and the reaction rate does not seem to suffer no delay. If it has two move, you can control the shield on the other hand. The other tests are usually successful, but it misses the whole personality of its competitor, half the charm is based on Miis, these small avatars with which we can reproduce all the family members.

Other games Existing PS3 games have been adapted for the Move: Heavy Rain, Resident Evil 5 Gold Edition, Tiger Woods PGA Tour 11 and will be joined by a few months as the new Killzone and SOCOM 3 4. For now, the price of the entire Move added that prevents the PS3 to really compete with the Wii. For those who already own a PS3 or considerbuying it because of Blu-ray, it is now possible to experience the "levers that move" in HD.

The other lever Like the Wiimote, PlayStation Move is completed by a second controller, called navigation pad, to be held in his other hand. This is an optional accessory that essentially reproduces the left half of a standard PlayStation 3 controller, and can also be replaced by the latter. Unlike Nintendo's Nunchuk, navigation pad does not detectmovement.

A nice system that is successful, but it's full potential has yet to achieve.