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How To Backup Games - Which Game Copy Software To Use?

Nowaday games are coming with a high price tag and disks are prone to damage, so everyone should be able and know how to backup games. I'll try to make it more clear on which game copy software to use and how to choose one. When you decide to make a backup copy of your original game, you should take following few things into consideration

First of all you have a legal right to make backup copies of your own games and DVD's. To do that well you need game copy software that is reliable, user friendly and above all effective. It should be possible for a average computer user to install and tap into the game copy software features without help. Game copy software shall be easy to run, set up and shall not require multiple restarts or any extra downloads to work properly.

When choosing which game copy software to use, it should be one that comes with many helpful features. Virtual drive is surely one of them. It will allow you to play the game directly from your hard drive without using the game disc. That feature alone will help reduce everyday wear and tear on your games. Copying games shall be smooth and the software shall produce a full, working copy very first time. Copy produced should be an exact match of the original game.

One of the operational differences between softwares is ability to remove protection and variety of protection types they are capable of removing. The removal process should not be complicated either. Removing different protection forms and switching from one to another shall run mostly automatically and with minimal manual intervention.

If one shall ever be in need of help files, they should be structured plainly, instructions in them shall offer a quick solution to any particular troubleshooting issue. Language used in help section must be simple, that means no doubt in users mind when applying the instructions. Finding your answer quickly is one of the characteristics of a well organized and thoughtfully arranged info section.

So to help you make up your mind on which game copy software to use, you shall definitely look for the most complete solution for making back-ups. Some of the coolest backup softwares have the ability to backup your video DVD's as well and to create video DVD's from the video files you have (from divx, xvid to mp4). That means besides backing up video games from ( Xbox 360, Xbox, PS3, PS2, Nintendo Wii, Gamecube, PC, Dreamcast ) consoles, you will also be able to backup your favorite TV shows and movies.

So, I pretty much covered the most important issues when it comes to choosing which game copy software to use. After all, question of how to back up games shall have an easy answer if you have the right tools. Hope you will have much fun with it and preserve your precious games with the use of legal backups and the right game copy software.