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A Death Knight Guide To WoW Gold Farming

The Death Knight is by far one of the funnest, most versatile classes in terms of game play. On that note, there are many things that the Death Knight is good at. One aspect you won’t see in any Death Knight Guide though is how to gear properly for WoW Gold Farming. Read on, and I’ll explain exactly how to take advantage of that great big bag of tricks that you have as a Death Knight.

Death Knight Guide to WoW Gold Farming Part 1: What to Farm

Herbs and Ores: These are extremely valuable on any server. Being a Death Knight, you receive an excellent movement enhancing ability fairly early on: Unholy Presence. Even though you don’t have the actual skill yet, you can use talent points in the Unholy Tree to receive the movement speed bonus, regardless of which presence you are in. These talent points are available before you even leave the Death Knight starting zone. With these talent points, combined with a flying mount earned at level 60, WoW Gold Farming for Herbalism and Mining nodes is quick and easy.

Cloth and Leather: These are two very easily farmable materials, and again, Unholy Death Knights are excellent at farming these items for gold. The movement speed bonus helps significantly, though not so much as the Death Knight’s AoE abilities. Worgen and Dragonkin both have a high likelihood of dropping both, as well as coin drops.

Elemental Items: Cataclysm’s new elemental items are “Volatile” fire, air, earth, water, life, and shadow. You can acquire these in a number of ways, from fighting elemental mobs, to fishing them out of pools of lava.

Death Knight Guide to WoW Gold Farming Part 2: How to Farm

If you’re going after herbs and ores, then it’s pretty self explanatory. Mount up, fly around, and pick your herbs. What’s most important though, is knowing exactly what herbs and ores are most valuable, and are most easily gathered. It takes a strong knowledge of your server’s economy. There are add-ons for that, which will be discussed in section 3.

If you are farming mobs for specific drops like leather, cloth, or volatiles, you definitely want to be Unholy spec. The Unholy talent tree is loaded with abilities that help you burn down multiple enemies at one time, while maximizing resource regeneration through talents like Unholy Presence and Runic Corruption. The idea is to attack one enemy, spread diseases through pestilence (which now has a much stronger effect through contagion) and let your Ghoul and Gargoyle finish them off. All the while, you should be using Death Coil to deal damage, afflict them with Unholy Blight, proc Runic Corruption, and stack Shadow Infusion. This is just a basic description of farming tactics, but overall it’s an excellent strategy for WoW Gold Farming.

Death Knight Guide to WoW Gold Farming Part 3: Where to Farm

Finally, you need to know exactly where you are going to be farming. Once you have researched the valuable items on your auction house, it’s best to have a fast and efficient route. Add-ons like Manaview Tycoon are an excellent option for providing highly efficient, low competition farming routes. In addition, Tycoon also acts as an Auction House Addon, by scanning the auction house and telling you exactly what is most valuable at the time. I use this addon personally, and it has made me thousands of gold in only a few days. In fact, Manaview's other add-on Booster, is where I learned the exact same WoW Gold farming strategy I listed above.