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Basic Class In Rift | Rift Class Choices

The Rift class system is a bit different then most MMORPGs. The way it works is you choose a base class at the start of the game. There are four base classes to choose from and offer only a very general overview of the classes skills. These four choices for classes in Rift are Mage, Cleric, Warrior, and Rogue. If you have every played any other RPG be in computer, counsel, or table top you are probably at least a little familiar with the play style of each of these classes.

The Mage class is a basic spell casting class it uses mana to cast damage spells as well as a few support spells. They can do a lot of damage quickly but are often overcome easily in close range melee combat. Mages can only wear cloth armor so this also limits their ability to withstand heavy blows.

Warriors are a basic hack and slash type class. They can wear plate and chain armor so close range melee fights are their specialty. Many warriors choose to become tanks. The tanks job is to keep the monsters attention and take its damage output while the rest of the group kills the creature off.

Rogues seem to be a very popular class in Rift. The Rogue class covers a variety of scout type abilities. Depending on how you build your rogue you may be more include to do close range melee damage or long ranged bow damage. Rogues aren’t known for their casting abilities.

Most associated with healing, the cleric class in Rift offers a variety of play styles such as battle clerics which can actually heal and close range melee damage. While these types of clerics aren't recommended main heal raiding but they do make decent secondary healers. Clerics can choose to take a more traditional cloth wearing role as well. This should greatly increase the healing power of the cleric.

Whichever class you choose you will be able to refine your skills via talent points strategically placed in what is known as a Rift soul tree. Each class has a choice of nine souls. Any combination of three soul trees can be active at once. Be sure to take a look at all the Soul Trees available to your class. Your roll as a player can easily be changed by changing your Soul Tree combinations. A Rift classes guide will recommend you always take a quick overview of the souls available to you before choosing your basic class.