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Keeping Ahead Of The Game

We all know that technology these days moves with an alarming rate of speed, one minute we are playing on an Amstrad CPC 464 thinking its the dogs jaffa’s, next minute before you know it, BANG!! your playing on something that wouldn’t look out of place on one of NASA’s space shuttles.

I am of course talking about Microsoft’s latest monster of a gaming console, the allegedly fantastic XBox 360, i say allegedly because i haven’t had the privilege of playing on the new 360 console. Partly because i think its far to expensive for what it is and the chaps at Microsoft know all about this and the fact that they will definitely make millions from it, despite their supply and demand structure which has failed yet again to deliver to all of the worlds “hard-pressed” parents who feel let down because their kids won’t have the latest expensive craze.

Spare a thought for those around the world who could probably feed their entire family for a month with the money spent on one XBox. But i guess that’s why we are supposed to be a “developed country”…don’t make me laugh!!…most people in this country have no idea what its like to go without food let alone a £400 console.

I have an admission to make i actually own an Xbox…the previous one to the 360 that is…i didn’t ask for it, it was a Christmas present that i didn’t know about although i was very surprised about receiving it and it did make me happy…having said that it was the only one i have ever bought/received so i’m not really classed as going mad for the latest one that’s on offer.

Although i do like playing on it and sometimes i’m addicted to playing first person shooters, i do think its a shame that people feel that they need the constant excitement of keeping up with the Jones’ just to stay with the trend. Its unfair for company’s like Microsoft to put unnecessary pressure on parents to buy the latest console…but you could say its up to the individual parents and their ability to say no to their kids in the first place, no-matter how demanding they are.

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Barry – UK Consoles