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Former Sony Playstation 3 Developer Talks about Getting Fired

Many of you will no doubt remember a rather controversial comment from a “former” Sony developer Josh Robinson, who said that the Xbox 360 is better than the PS3. Like wildfire, his observations spread across the internet sparking debate among fanboys

PS3Week.Com has followed up on Josh’s story with a great interview regarding his comments and the repercussions of speaking your mind while two monster companies are competing for millions of dollars.

“reviewing” the PS3 and declaring, “I started [off] VERY excited about the PS3. I was very confident that it was going to just destroy the XBOX 360 just on the name SONY alone. The more time that goes by the more I am becoming doubtful. Everything I’ve developed or seen developed has yet to be ‘next gen.’”

Robinson says, “Did I knowingly break NDA? I absolutely did not. I would never do that and I would never want to hurt Sony Online. Did I dance in the grey area by even opening my mouth? Yes I did and I was fired for it. So I guess the new rule for me is, don’t ever say anything at all about anything. Ever…ever.”

His comments are a bit tongue-and-cheek, but to be honest, I don’t blame Sony for showing him the door. Bad mouthing your company to a group of friends is one thing, but expressing your discontent online with the intention of being noticed is a completely different. What was he expecting?

However, don’t feel sorry for Mr. Robinson. Josh has a book deal in the works, and several job offers as well.

For more news, check out our Xbox 360 site or our Nintendo Revolution site.